Karl Mueller

Pot calls kettle black. Film at 11.

She should have shown some naked shots of herself. Everyone present would have been turned to stone, and we could replace them with some actual leadership.

How is nudity important to the plot? Also, when are people going to grow up and realize that there is absolutely nothing special about naked humans. We all have the same hardware, more or less, and this fixation with invading the privacy of others is deeply childish. 

Sure. The insurance companies woke up to the fact that Florida is a bad risk. As to those who refuse to be “woke”, I say LET LYING DOGS SLEEP.

I mentioned this idea to my 75 pound German Shepherd. He’s still laughing...

IkTok. Interesting....

“No soup for YOU.”

Antonio Brown?

They caused a miscarriage. Isn’t that MURDER in Texas? 

The film “The Mad Bomber” (1973) starts out with a very nerdy looking Chuck Connors confronting a litterer, and forcing him to “pick it up”. Worth watching for that scene alone...

Climate change deniers should be required to live in Texas without air conditioning. The handful of them that somehow manage to survive the first Summer can form a panel to advise Governor Abbott.

Costello should beat his ass for that.

You have a choice whether or not to use any of this stuff. It would appear that the vast majority of us made the wrong one, but what else is new? 

Christopher Nolan? Try watching Holy Motors some time. 

Think outside the box. You know, the one we’re IN. What we need is more than an honest Judicial Branch, or any other branch of government, for that matter. What we need...what we DESERVE is an ACTUAL DEMOCRACY. Two options AINT’T IT. We need at least three political parties of equal strength, although four or five

Climate changes deniers should be required by law to live in Texas...and not allowed to own air consditioning. Those who still talk smack can run for office after a year’s residency. 

I think that any truly responsible cat owner needs to take serious steps to ensure that their beloved little serial killer doesn’t wreak havoc upon the local ecosystem, whatever that may consist of. 

In many parts of Europe “skinny dipping” is a normal activity that doesn’t draw any attention from anyone, unlike here in our “free country”. We Americans are the masters of unintentional irony and blase hypocrisy. 

There’s a REAL hack that would help these people lose ten pounds of ugly, useless flab in under five minutes flat. All they need is a GUILLOTINE. The weight will never come back, either...

Sure, let’s just appeal to the conscience and empathetic compassion of a bunch of corporations...sometimes the leopard DOESN’T eat your face.