Karl Mueller

The entitled love sharing their latest ways to waste time that could be spent bettering the planet. They pickleball while everything BURNS....

Why not just move on to Assemblybots if this is a good idea? Leave it to a politician to approach “public service” in such a lazy fashion as to render himself obsolete.

Getting to the Moon is HARD. So much easier to just fake it on a Hollywood set...or so it is said.

The wealthy LOVE to watch us scuffle over minutiae like this while they AVOID PAYING ANY TAXES AT ALL. Wake up! Your neighbor is NOT the enemy, it’s the rich asshole that programs the BILGE you watch on Fox News feeding you their BULLSHIT talking points LIKE THE ONE YOU JUST USED. Instead of complaining about our

Both sides are working together to control our daily lives at the behest of the corporations that fund them. Their policies are largely the same, aside from the absurd rhetoric designed to prolong the illusion of any difference between them. WE’RE BEING PLAYED. They speak of a “third party” as something evil, when in

Really? Have you ever BEEN there?

Anyone who claims to be “pro-life” yet has no adopted children is really ANTI-CHOICE. Easy to talk with no skin in the game....

“Underground heat”, huh? I suppose all of those huge, heavy buildings would have NOTHING to do with it. 

I have nothing against BMWs, it’s the pushy jerks that drive them. 

The Extreme Court will certainly find a way to block this once they return from vacation.

He should sue them for false imprisonment. How exactly is he REQUIRED to go all the way to NYC? They may not like it, but how could this be illegal? If I don’t like the movie, I leave. Same thing. Just another reason to TAKE THE TRAIN...

No point getting steamed...

This is why we need to ARM THE INFANTS.

I guess his taser wasn’t handy.

It’s going to be fun watching this idiot tumble into obscurity. 

I didn’t know that lemmings came in a can these days.

I remember using “Get Down, Make Love” to test out stereos I was looking at back in 1976 or so, and getting some funny looks from other people in the shop. Good times...

When you have a captive crowd, they are basically at your mercy. No incentive to provide exemplary products or services for the simple fact that you will NEVER see 90% of these people again. Also, given the setting they are unlikely to be very good tippers, and the corporations that run this kind of dump don’t pay

Properly cared for” is the huge caveat here, and it’s not always obvious whether this is the case. Also, buying used books tends to screw the author, n’est-ce pas?

“If money can’t buy happiness, I guess I’ll have to rent it.” - Weird Al Yankovic