Karl Mueller

In HUMAN history, it being the end of the road.

Imagining having him and Ginni as parents just made my breakfast rise in my throat. 

Garland is afraid of his own shadow, and probably still has nightmares about Mitch McConnell. Just another example of the Democrats choosing the wrong person for the job simply because they felt like it was “their turn”. .

How does this mesh with judicial impartiality? I was under the impression that a judge’s job was to interpret the law, not alter it. Legislation is the job of the legislative branch, hence the name. The judicial branch is there (ostensibly) to implement the framework created by the legislative. And the Executive

The next step is to just stay home, which is what I do. COVID taught me that the best protocol is zero contact. People tend to suck, anyway. This way I get to pick which ones I want to interact with. The rest can talk to my dog. He likes random humans about as much as I do...maybe less.

Another example of guns keeping people safe. I submit that had there been no gun involved, both parties would still be alive today. Sure, you can kill somebody with a FORK, but it takes a considerable amount of effort to accomplish. Cowards demand access to push-button homicide, and thus here we sit...bleeding to

I hope it is, because I hear Trump drinks a ton of that vile shit.

Next we re-litigate the Civil War. Just watch. January 6th was just a dress rehearsal, which is why they didn’t bring their guns. They demand the “right” to inflict their will upon the rest of us, for our own good. of course. To some, “freedom” means kneeling on someone else’s neck.

This is why people like Musk fantasize about moving to Mars. It’s well past time we WOKE UP and faced the fact that there is NOWHERE TO RUN from our problems. Reality is still there even when you CHOOSE to ignore it. Anyone who brings a child into this rising sewer is either a sadist or a fool.

Steak is kind of a regional thing, too. You generally get better red meat in the center of the country, because that’s where the majority of it is produced and processed. Sure, you can get a terrific steak on the coast (East or West), but source it carefully and be prepared to pay premium prices. The supermarket isn’t

Simple rule- if their back is turned, they are no longer the assailant. There is no right nor honor in shooting someone in the back. This applies to ALL. If you continue to fear them when they are running away, then you have every opportunity to run in the opposite direction, as does anyone else that you might be

Since the Court itself is based upon numerous lies, how would this be in any way surprising? Ethics are SO proletarian...

I would imagine that copious amounts of lube would be indicated here.

Very good. Time to start harassing them online, then. The Extreme Court needs to feel the consequences of their fuckery. NO-ONE IS ABOVE THE TWEET!

Remember the good old days when Clarence Thomas never said anything? 

Did you know that candidates can pay themselves a salary out of campaign funds? Puts the whole thing in a new light, doesn’t it? 

You like gas, huh? Just wait until your pilot goes out some night. After you get done vomiting, some ginger ale can help with the lingering nausea. That’s if you wake up at all. Also, this isn’t really about you and your selfishness, but more about phasing out fossil fuels so that future generations will have a chance

Connect it to an armed robot that forces you to eat anything about to go bad, and it might do some good. Then again, who would want that?

NO. Best of TWO options, MAYBE. We deserve better than this coin flip bullshit. Democracy it AIN’T.

Maybe this is how the whole “christian” thing got started, too. Their book isn’t clear about it, but there was an arrest involved.