Karl Mueller

The “path to justice” needs to run through at least one PRISON. 

The circus can continue without her. There must be a backup baboon.

They can’t find him because all of the mirrors at the police station are broken.

History shows again and again how nature points out the follies of men...

Replace the pineapple with some fried bologna, and we’re talking.

Sure, and catch COVID while getting SHOT. No, thank you...

The only way to do this in an acceptable fashion is to place the corporate CEO in the cell...and make it a REAL one.

I’m curious when the DOJ is going to stop coddling this pissant. He’s just another Bernie Madoff, from what I can see. Lock him up and move on...

The shirtless photos of Putin were for a reason, at least. Although Junior could be suspected of a lot of nefarious things, command-level membership in the Russian Mafia doesn’t make the list. 

He is the personification of clickbait. A cardboard cutout of a person rendered into virtual 3D.

You just brought back a memory of 65 people in whites crammed into a room trying to make these, in the first or second week of Basic Culinary 101. Week 3, as I recall, was when people started cutting themselves with their new knife kits, and class size started to drop precipitously. Of that 65, there were 13 left in

How is another person’s sexuality any of anyone’s business besides that person and whoever they choose to have sex with? Also, why should this be even remotely interesting to anyone outside that group (not including voyeurs and other perverts)?

Don’t forget the “guns keep people safe” part. Who exactly was “kept safe” here? The driver is dead, and the idiot who shot him is destined for prison, even in Texas. A gun may help keep you safe if you’re faced by a dangerous wild animal...MAYBE...but aside from that unlikely instance, they put you at risk far more

“We”? Do you have a Nestle in your pocket?

He undoubtedly has fantasies about the White House. Vidal was right. Anyone who seeks that job should be barred from ever holding it. I suggest a full FBI investigation of all declared Presidential candidates, with the results released FULLY to the public. Charlatans like Trump would never RUN under those rules. Of

Coming soon to a waterway near you...

Escalation equals intent equals prison time, except in Texas or Florida. Note that this exception only applies to white people...

This guy could have had the decent to commit suicide ALONE. Talk about ENTITLED...

That’s chaired by Jim Jordan, isn’t it?

“Dies after being ingested”? I submit that there was no “after” involved, at least not for the poor bastard who got the death of a thousand cuts in less time than it would have taken him to utter a “WTF?”