Karl Mueller

Well, isn’t the opposite of progress CONGRESS?

Not quite. Many of them actually work for a living until they learn about the free ride called “politics”. Did you know that they can pay themselves a SALARY out of campaign contributions? Suddenly it become clear why people with ZERO chance of winning still run. IT’S ALL A SCAM. DEFUND THE POLITICIANS. They claim to

We deserve a “none of the above” option on our ballots AT THE LEAST.

Just think- if we had a TRUE democracy, there would be more than two choices in our elections. Instead, we have a virtual coin flip every so often to determine who is the “lesser of the two evils” while both “sides” scuffle frantically to support the whims of the wealthy as they steadily destroy the only home we will

John Mayer is a turd on legs who deserves all the “cyberbullying” available. Why? Read the Rolling Stone interview...

She’s hoping that WE forget a lot of things about her.

Delivery services need to be reformed to moderate their role in global warming. All of them are woefully inefficient, causing massive amounts of unnecessary pollution and traffic. I live in the sticks, and there is NO sane reason who more than one Fedex truck should be needed to serve this area, yet I see more than

They need to start caucusing with the orcas.

How long before they will be saying this about Elon Musk? 

Time for the defamation suit, which they clearly deserve to win easily. He deserves to spend the rest of his life in court or prison, if you ask me. 

For those who didn’t know, Barbie doesn’t “come with Ken”, she comes with G.I. Joe. Of course, so does Ken...

Somebody needs to make as movie about a huge school of them sinking a cruise ship. Now THAT’S entertainment!

...and a plague of SNAILS upon thee!

This is kind of like washing your trash cans, isn’t it? I’m trying to imagine having the time and motivation to actually DO this.

Just don’t save that cold sub for the next day, particularly during Summer. Flies LOVE those cold prep tables, and their offspring don’t take very long to arrive, even refrigerated. Maggot sub, anyone?

We have a WINNER! The Darwin Award 2023.

And get rich and famous doing so. I say we give him the anonymity he deserves, and MOVE ON.

Commercially made mayonnaise seldom goes bad. The culprit in a prepared salad would far more likely be one of the other ingredients, in particular porous items such as potatoes. Mayo can even be kept at room temp indefinitely, provided you don’t mind some changes in appearance. It’s still edible, even then. The “bad

Believe them, not your lying eyes.

Can “last moments” ever be pleasant? This was an exercise in arrogance and stupidity. Just think- they COULD have saved a bunch of time and money by staying home and watching footage of a remore vehicle visiting the wreck. The same ultimate outcome could have been realized by putting plastic bags over their heads