Karl Mueller

Maybe this is the solution to our inequality problem. Convince the rich to go on one way trips to remore locations. Next stop: Mars. So what if there’s no AIR there. It’s EXCLUSIVE.

I suppose now a bunch more money will be wasted “recovering” the fragmentary remnants of this crew of entitled idiots. Haven’t we already dedicated entirely too much bandwidth to this exercise in human stupidity and arrogance? Will there be an expedition to this “disaster” now? Where does it end? I submit that right

That’s enough lippage out of you.

If the reparations are done in the correct order, ther will be little left for the “Afro-Americans” after the “Native Americans” are taken care of. I suggest we ALL go back to Africa and sort it out there, leaving this continent to the wildlife that owned it before filthy humans arrived. After all, NONE of us are

“Think”? Stick to things you are capable of.

I think we’ve found the opening act for that cage match between Musk and Zuckerberg. Life imitates Pro Wrestling...

Time to start some conspiracy theories.

That’s how they got to be billionaires, Donald Trump, e.g.

Can we make this fight “to the death”? It would greatly benefit every living thing on this planet.

First to go should be the CEO that put them there. They could have saved a bunch of things, including their lives, by just strangling that idiot a month ago.

He also has a trans child. Denial is a big factor in his life.

Try going without air for 5 MINUTES.

Who’s paying for all of this? The taxpayer? SHUT IT DOWN. They are now PART of the Titanic wreck site. This gets sillier and more entitled by the minute. Let this be a lesson to all. Some things are best left alone.

One step forward, two steps back. Meanwhile we lose species FOREVER and slowly poison ourselves and all other life on the planet in the name of GREED.

Entitled “funsies”, at that. The resources these clowns wasted on their little death tour could have sustained countless people instead. At least this should spell the end of their ghoulish little industry. Could it be that the ghosts of Titanic craved company? I’d imagine CEO Rush isn’t very popular among his

It’s important to our illusion of democracy that this man goes to prison. That is the true nature of the crisis. I suspect that it will be the testimony of Mark Meadows that puts him there, unless something happens to him.

The inability to feel shame should be grounds for dismissal from any public office. Even the APPEARANCE of impropriety should be sufficient to provoke an immediate RESIGNATION from someone in such a position. You know, kind of like what Al Franken did after he got lied about. Honor exists, but only for some of us.

Elon Musk is a slur. Either that or a cheap cologne.

Oh, the poor rich people. Let us all pray for them...why? They knew what they were getting into, and even paid a huge sum for the chance. Are they strangling that CEO right now? I think I would be...

How many people did it gross out, and why is that important? “Popular” and “good” are not the same thing, as most of us learn by 4th grade.