Karl Mueller

Why is this miserable excuse for a human being still in the news at all? Anonymity is the best medicine for sociopaths, but somehow we always give them a podium instead, e.g. Trump, Musk, Bezos...ad nauseum.

They should form a political party. We need more options. I’d settle for “none of the above” on my ballot at this point.

Y’all can go ahead with that secession of yourn any old time now...

It makes me smile that the CEO is on board. 

I’m holding out for roasted beet and feta.

Really? Ever work for Amazon?

Speak for yourself. I’ve had bad luck with Anker products, and if I can’t trust it, I can’t use it. Try shilling for someone else...

Time for the schadenfreude. Isn’t karma great?

Slavery still exists. Ask any Walmart employee.

THEY ALL ARE. BOTH “SIDES”. WE ARE BEING PLAYED. Make these people act like the “public servants” they claim to be, and half of them will be trampled to death in the mad rush to get out of the game. 

This man is a walking advertisement for retroactive birth control.

People would very likely be more concerned about this stuff if the powers that be made the descriptions less obtuse. Nobody understands “El Nino” or “La Nina”, but they can CERTAINLY understand when their house washes away in a hurricane. Just more “leadership” from the career criminals we call “legislators”. Nothing

I can dig it, man.

When you hit 60, you realize that being an asshole is part of human nature, and thus inescapable. You just THINK you’ve moved past it...

Someone should do a study on how many of these children make it to age 30. Given the inherent dysfunction, I’d bet the percentage is stunningly low. Entitlement tends to lead to addiction and suicide when the grandiose fantasies crash to Earth...

It amazes me that people are still hooked on this garbage, despite ample evidence of its toxic nature. Social media are the cigarettes of the 21st Century. To borrow a phrase, we can easily JUST SAY NO. 

Don’t forget about all of the toxic corporate activity in that part of the country. Supposedly, this God of theirs sent plagues and disasters to eradicate improper human activity in the past (Sodom, e.g.), so why not a few hurricanes to clean up the cesspool known as “Houston”? I mean, as long as we’re going to

Villain Ova?

They can go ahead and go out of business, as far as I’m concerned. If it’s brown, FLUSH IT DOWN.

They opted out, so let’s allow them to BE ANONYMOUS. I doubt very much that they can tolerate it for long. Entitlement runs both ways. Let’s stop SPONSORING IT.