Karl Mueller

They taught me this one back when minimum wage was $2.95/hr.

Shot 22 times? Clearly an accident.

Speaking of Trump, have you ever noticed that Eric Trump looks like his dad, but Don, Jr. DOESN’T? Methinks Ivana met an Italian somewhere...

As far as I’m concerned, they can GO OUT OF BUSINESS. If it’s brown, FLUSH IT DOWN. They set new standards for LAZINESS, STUPIDITY AND INCOMPETENCE. All week they’ve been telling me my package was going to be delivered yesterday, until yesterday (Friday) arrived. Suddenly, it becomes MONDAY. When I called them on

We deserve better than this obtuse nonsense. To me “El Nino” and “La Nina” are just two more examples of corporate HOGWASH. They deliberately obscure the dangers facing us even as they try to minimize their own role in creating them, and by the time we figure out what they’re actually up to, it’s too late to do

Leave it to a Californian to get irked by free food.

I used to visit “The Bad Waitress” in Minneapolis fairly often about 20 years ago. My girlfriend at the time claimed that the quality of the food made up for the surliness of the servers. I thought the coffeee wasn’t too bad...and it was closer than Star$. Everything’s been DONE so many times. 

How many times does this guy have to show us who he is before he gets the prison cell he so richly deserves?

I would imagine that he has good relations with the King of Morocco after giving him all that land (that belonged to other people). Not a bad place to “retire”. He could be the Roman Polanski of politics...

I feel very sad for Roman Pacino. How old will the poor kid be when Dad dies? This is pretty sick, if you ask me. 

Maybe this clown will finally find his way into that prison cell that he so richly deserves. Wouldn’t he be an interesting cellmate for Trump? 

Marketing. Ever have Chilean Sea Bass? Funny...there is NO SUCH FISH. What you ate was Patagonian Toothfish (or possibly Antarctic Toothfish). Tasty, wasn’t it?

How do we accomplish that? There ARE no consequences for these people.  

See also “religious freedom”, which can only apply to THEIR religion. No Satanists or Zoroastrians need apply...

It’s unfortunate that her mother didn’t have an abortion when she had the chance.

Can it learn to make “Eggs Erroneous”?

“Grimace” is what I do if anyone suggests eating their crap, purple or not.

Republicans fear abortion because they know where they would be were it made retroactive.

Maybe we should just stop categorizing people. Some would call this practice “prejudice”. Do YOU fit neatly into any category? REALLY?

Zero to county jail in under six seconds.