Karl Mueller

I want an obit like Ambrose Bierce’s. History is unclear on when exactly he passed on, amid murky circumstances. It could be argued that he still walks among us...

I feel deeply sorry for all the people who still use ANY of this stuff. It can only get worse from here. Get out while you can.

Sure. All you need is that picture of Trump as Rambo.

There needs to be more analysis of the damage that all this reckless rocket launching is doing to our atmosphere. Once again, we’re wrecking our only home based on a pipe dream about living elsewhere. Okay, so you get to Mars, Quade. What are you going to DRINK, let alone breathe? Just another example of the

Most of the money he’s making not playing basketball is going to wind up in other peoples’ pockets. My advice to him is to get a vasectomy TOMORROW.

Why does it remind me of a Fiero? Is it the apparent lack of hauling capacity?

Or “free market” economies. Our descendants will pay for our greed and stupidity, provided there even ARE any.

I don’t wanna pickle.” - Arlo Guthrie

A step in the right direction. Isn’t it odd that we still cling to this BINARY nonsense in our politics, even as we acknowledge that WE ARE NOT BUILT THAT WAY?

Was that a wheat field or a WEED field? I live in NC, and this AIN’T wheat country. Tobacco, collards, even broccoli, but I’ve never seen a wheat field here. Makes more sense, anyway...

The Gods have spoken to me. They demand a sacrifice. The orange one called “Trump” must be thrown into the chasm AT ONCE, or this eruption will devour us ALL.

For some, “playing dumb” isn’t an act. This is common among politicians, particularly those who claim to be conservative. For those who are curious why so many clearly unelectable people run for office, it might have something to do with them being able to pay themselves a SALARY out of campaign contributions

Not even with caramelized onions?

Any life form advanced enough to get here from another solar system would be far too intelligent to ever get mixed up with the likes of us. We are a dangerous, violent, ill-mannered species that simply has nothing to offer them. Suppose they DID land, and followed the cliche by asking to be taken to “our leader”.

I’m going to assume that you have no deer in your neighborhood. Around here, pretty much anything under 4 feet tall gets eaten.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had more options than these fascist freaks or the woefully inept “Democrats? Funny how we haven’t quite figured out that our politics need to be nonbinary, too. The solution to partisan gridlock is more choices. In some places, that’s known as “democracy”.

Tunnel vision and a singleminded focus work best for me.

That would tend to imply that they are capable of reading. Let lying dogs sleep if they don’t want to be “woke”.

If they don’t wish to be “woke”, then let the lying dogs sleep. 

Bill Cosby.