Karl Mueller

You forgot Mel, the cook on “Alice”. Now THERE is a CHEF.

Golf courses in that part of the country should be required by law to be at least 80% “sand trap” in order to match the local environment, and the conventional “lawn” should be strictly illegal.

Including YOU, it would appear. There is no excuse for childish nonsense like that. I hope that you have grown up since. I would have fired you in a second...

Anyone who tampers with someone else’s food should be given a few years in a 6x8 to reflect on their stupidity. Have we all forgotten “The Golden Rule”?

We need to acknowledge the fact that a fairly large percentage of our population are racist assholes who would welcome the return of slavery and feudalism. They are the ones screaming about guns keeping them safe, even as they make all of us LESS so. At least with the rise of this MAGA nonsense, they’ve been

We are extremely fortunate that he wasn’t born here, and thus can’t be President. I wish that were true of Bezos and Zuckerberg. Will they run as Democrats or Republicans? Does it make a difference? If people will ley Musk put chips in their heads, there are certainly those among us who would VOTE for one of these

Time for someone to get busy designing a Fremen stillsuit to preserve the middle class. And the poor? Doomed, as always.

Won’t they be surprised when they come out in IOWA?

The name probably comes from the odors that accumulate if you do it for too long.

Anyone who thinks Trump didn’t get a cut of the profits on this lacks understanding of the mechanisms of organized crime in this country.

Career as what? I think there needs to be talent involved...

You’d think he’d get more respect, being “richest man in the World” and all. Does anyone else find it utterly hilarious watching him struggle titanically for the one thing he can never have? Sorry, Elon, you will never be cool no matter what you do. Also, now that you have the loot, you become the mark, not the

Yeah, but is he HAPPY? I doubt it. I chortle at the delicious irony...

I find it fitting that many of the same people in the process of burning down our house don’t wish to be “woke”. So be it. Let the conflagration devour them. Let lying dogs sleep.

No prison for these clowns. Just get them a nice big glass of what they’ve been selling.

If something were to happen to Trump, imagine the list of suspects. It would probably be simpler to make a list of people to NOT investigate, and wiser to leave everyone that knows him personally off of it. A fine game of Clue, indeed.

Autonomous vehicles would probably work nearly perfectly if ALL vehicles were autonomous. With simple transponders, they’d be able to “see” each other just fine, and so as long as they were able to stay on the road, all should be okay, provided no idiot humans obstruct their passage. There would still be the

Maybe there isn’t any prop wash in that environment, or not enough to be useful, anyway. 

Jeckyll is a myth.

Now, what fun would a Megadeth concert be without a five year old in tow?