Karl Mueller

Too bad THIS guy won’t “stand silent”.

Try Mars, chump. Unless Elon Musk gets elected President (he CAN’T), you will still have consequences looming.

McDonalds’ does THAT...they just put them to work in the kitchen.


There IS no “forever”. In this instance, you MIGHT get four or five years, after which point the computer you installed it on will either be dead or basically obsolete. That said, this is a far more reasonable price than usual. There are also plenty of free options like LibreOffice, OpenOffice, etc..

I’d truly hate to be her child, in that case. This seems like a valid reason for child services to do a welfare check on any that she may have. Hard to feed a kid, let alone clothe and shelter them for under $50 a month...

Yet another example of Netflix reneging on its own sales pitches. Remember when they ENCOURAGED password sharing? Apparently they DON’T. Time for everyone to just move on. There is always another option, and often a better one.

We need farmers, not corporations. Therein lies the CON. Limit the size of these operations and many of the problems will go with them. Small farmers are far more likely to act as stewards of the land, as opposed to its rapists.

What we call “farming” needs to be de-industrialized, too. What we currently have is bad for everything but profits, and that includes US.

Outlaw pools, golf courses and LAWNS in this region, too. They are unnatural and clearly unsustainable luxury items. Any landscaping needs to be limited to indigenous species. Wanton displays of wealth can be limited to other nonsense like cars that go three times the speed limit and other various trappings of

That’s over half her yearly salary, at least what WE pay her. I suspect she found a loophole to get it taken out of  campaign funds, just like all these parasites do. Just another glaring example of how different these people are than those they purport to represent, and the hypocrisy that is their very nature.

I think you need to wash your mind’s eye out with soap after THAT.

IMHO, you don’t have to go ANY further than “Black Republican”. How could there be a more CONFLICTED state of existence that that? Is it corruption, stupidity, or STOCKHOLM SYNDROME? Does it matter? He has about as much chance at the GOP nomination for President as I do...and I’m a SOCIALIST.

“Of all time”? Don’t you mean “of this century”? Seems like you missed a BUNCH of older stuff to me...and contemporary TV is HOGWASH. 

Also, resist the temptation to do Nicholas Cage imitations. It will not impress the bees unless you are enclosed in wicker.

I agree. AI can never sample music and compile it like people can.

Morally ill, a new category.

“Second degree manslaughter”? That calls for what, like two weeks in jail? It reminds me of how the January 6th  TRAITORS got off with misdemeanors. Different set of rules, it would seem...

Nope. COVID is still out there, and then there are the mass shootings. No mass shooting with no MASS. I stay on my property, and if anyone comes calling, they can talk to the DOG. Might even save me a little on kibble if they get stupid...

From what I can see, NOBODY mentioned in this article belongs in public office, because they only serve themselves. This includes the showboating Democrat. How does any of this nonsense provide anything meaningful for the people of Nebraska? Just another juvenile pissing contest that everyone loses.