Karl Mueller

I think it’s time to change the meaning of “trump card” to refer to something that doesn’t actually work, despite massive amounts of bluster and fabrication of reality. Also, to “trump” would mean to fail utterly while making an absolute ass of yourself. 

Anyone COULD be a politician. It’s those that CHOOSE to be one that we need to keep an eye on. And, as Vidal said, “Anyone who wants to be President should automatically be disqualified from ever doing so.”

My favorite of all time is the Dr Pepper ad with the “DP” t-shirts. Were they unaware of what “DP” stands for? Didn’t it even have people exclaiming how much they “enjoy a DP”? I just remember laughing hysterically the first time I saw it. It didn’t last long, of course, but what DP does?

No “Eggs Erroneous”? I’ve been trying to find the recipe for 30 years!

It WOULD look tremendous on a resume.

It was probably wishful wanking, anyway. The logic, at least, is flaccid, at best.

Since we won’t cut off their subsidies or quit issuing drilling permits (Joe Biden), how about we simply make them own their own words (about drilling lowering domestic oil prices) by banning EXPORTS of American crude. As it stands, we are sponsoring these clowns to shit where we eat, and not even getting any real

People like to talk about how “nobody saw it coming” when there’s a mass shooting. I submit that someone waving guns around would tend to be a pretty good indication of SOMETHING...

We’ll find out where it went soon, when something blows up. Maybe it’s earmarked for the next US Capitol “tourist event”.

Tarantino is the Elon Musk of film-making.

The petroleum industry never cared about whales until someone crafted this little fantasy. In point of FACT, birds are far more at risk (as should be obvious), but that risk can be largely nullified by painting one of the turbine blades a contrasting color to the others (like black instead of white) so that the birds

There is eucalyptol in cannabis. Mystery solved...

I’ll bet she learned that one in “The Joint.”

I see at least one striking Hollywood scriptwriter has found some work...

He should have done that a while back. His choice, his RESPONSIBILITY, I say. This idiot clearly needs a lesson in “disposable income”, and I suspect it’s right around the corner. Whether he can afford rent or food isn’t the court’s business. Time to pay the piper for all that arrogant macho bullshit...and KEEP

How do we break this gridlock? How about a few more political parties, so that everything doesn’t turn into either a coin toss or a “partisan” pissing contest? Funny how we’ve acknowledged that WE aren’t necessary binary, but somehow HAVE to keep our politics that way. If we had more options, we might even have a

Why does anyone live in Texas? I can’t come up with any SANE reasons to even visit there...

Seems to me that they just admitted to breaking traffic laws, at the least. What were they running from, CAMERAS? There would be no cameras if these two would ACTUALLY try to be “normal people” as they keep claiming. WHEN DOES THE ENTITLEMENT END?

COVID is still out there, after all. The end of the “emergency” was about immigration laws, not the virus. Just because the media have ceased reporting on it doesn’t make it gone. Also, alcoholism is SO Twentieth Century...cool people have moved on. Green tea and fentanyl are it, now...along with STAYING HOME.

Nationalize our energy system and this problem will vanish overnight.