Karl Mueller

You are a tool.

What’s scary is the waste it creates, genius. If the World is your ashtray, where are you going to empty it? Also, try googling “Chernobyl” or “Fukushima” once. There’s even a mini-series about the first one, which includes melting skjin and other pleasant side effects of nuclear tech...

Vodka, too. Don’t forget the vodka...

They claim to want to be “normal people” even while they generate drama and controversy with everything they do. Don’t we have anything better to do than to keep indulging these entitled asshats?

“What won’t the deer eat before I get the chance?” They don’t seem to be too fond of rosemary or thyme. YMMV.

I quit drinking milk right after I read an article about the FDA’s “acceptable pus levels”. Udders that are subjected to frequent machine milkings can develop lesions, you see...

Joe Manchin isn’t owned by the fossil fuel industry. Joe Manchin IS the fossil fuel industry. This corrupt sack of waste is no “Democrat”, as his private yacht and Maserati demonstrate. Yet another example of everything that is wrong with our political system.

She just ran into Melania at a bad moment. These things happen...

A gun and a beer...two things that clowns like him would be FAR better off without, along with everyone around them. Can his “fifteen minutes” be over, already? This is a car wreck in the rear view...

I’d add one more- Will I REALLY use it? How many people do you know with an exercise bike that’s mostly used as a coat rack, e.g.? I always ask myself THAT one several times before pulling the trigger on any purchase. 

There appear to be a lot of phony “co-ops” out there these days. The one nearest me replaced the natural grass lawn that had been in front of the building with TURF not long ago, which to me was the ultimate expression of who they ACTUALLY are. They even have “co-op” in the name, but dig a bit deeper, and you learn

I live in NC, and I totally saw this coming. Ignorance, bigotry and greed are choices, and maybe that’s what the voters here really want to see in their government. Time will tell. I suspect that all of this stuff will eventually backfire on the GOP in spectacular fashion, but maybe not. How many times do these clowns

You don’t hear music blasting everywhere in the 21st Century like you did in the last one. To me the last great Summer song that you heard EVERYWHERE has to be the song that OWNED the Summer of ‘99. I refer to Santana’s “Smooth”, which seemed to be on every car radio and convenience store PA system for the entire

So, a 200+ year old document isn’t what we should consult to run this country, after all, but rather a two THOUSAND year old one that has its roots in oral history, and has undoubtedly been changed by numerous translators? How about we come up with some rules for THIS century instead, and I don’t mean ones crafted

Anyone who didn’t see this coming should consider prescription eyewear. Do you not recognize a TOAD when you see one?

I could almost feel sorry for him. He wants so desperately to be cool, but never will, and all his money will never change that. Freedom of speech? He doesn’t have much freedom AT ALL. Homeless people have more freedom than he does...

Sure, let’s bring back all that POLLUTION. Great idea! 

Interesting that NOBODY is reporting on the status of Bhasan Char, the small “island” in the Bay of Bengal that was chosen to house some 30,000 Rohingya refugees from violence in Myanmar. My suspicion is that the island no longer exists, at least not as it was. It didn’t even EXIST a few decades ago, you see...

I’d imagine the writers’ strike will be the final nail in Yellowstone’s coffin, too. The impetus had already clearly gone out of it. Time for a weak non-ending, like The Sopranos? Seems likely...

People get more ignorant every day. It’s truly amazing to witness...from a distance, of course.