Karl Mueller

Never bend over in the presence of the Exalted One....

An old one- the last scene in W.C. Fields’ “The Bank Dick”, including the fire engine bit, and the part where Fields hands the bank robber the wheel when he complains about his driving. Now THAT is classic!

To me, the best chase scene in “Freebie and the Bean” is the one where the titular characters wind up crashing into the old couple’s bedroom...on the third floor.

That picture should be in the dictionary under “shit-eating grin”. It’s likely to fade some come next ELECTION. Somehow I don’t think that the same people will be voting for this corrupt bitch next time. Of course, this assumes that the Republcans won’t find a way to eliminate elections now that they have that

Driving is a privilege, and should be REVOKED permanently for reckless, STUPID behaviors such as this. 

I’m waiting for the phaser.

He has them all buying that BS for now. It won’t last.

Both “sides” are complicit in all of this. If this were not so, then why would both continue to parrot the same LIES? For example, this country has defaulted on its debt FOUR times, and yet they both (and the media) keep screaming that it has never happened. Why? Fear keeps sheep in line. Simple as that. We deserve

We need more options. This two party system is clearly a failure, since it relegates voter choice to a virtual coin toss. If there were other parties allowed in by the two that run the show, we would have democracy. As it stands, we’re being PLAYED.

Clearly not “Pro-Life”, but rather “Anti-Choice”. Taking that into account, the obvious consequence should be the DEATH PENALTY. Eye for an eye...like that Book says.

All parking structures should be covered with solar panels, and the energy they create could then be used to charge the vehicles parking there. At a extra fee, of course, since not all of them would be electric. This could be applied to curerent parking lots, too (think strip malls and supermarkets), providing needed

Any “person of color” who votes for Donald Trump must have an ASTOUNDING amount of inner self-loasthing. As for Biden, as Jay Leno once said “If God had meant for us to vote, He would have given us candidates.”

Where is Will Smith when you need him?

We  can ALL learn. The “two parties” are working together to subvert democracy in order to retain power. It’s a game of “good cop, bad cop”, but they’re MOSTLY bad. The way out? DEFUND THE POLITICIANS. VOTE GREEN.

The only ETHICAL way to change parties, IMHO, would be to do so right BEFORE the election, not right AFTER it. Her constituents should picket her house...

Who says it can’t be BOTH? That’s the way the cartels do it, so why wouldn’t the GOP adopt the strategy? “Plato o plomo” is the term...it means “silver or lead”.

Check her bank accounts. This is how politicians become millionaires.

Not even Hunter Biden?

Can’t we just let Hilary GO? That was one “lesser of two evils” TOO FAR. Now, give us a choice between Trump and Al Franken, and we’re getting somewhere. Why do you think the GOP sabotaged him when they did? He would have beaten Trump in 2016, and just imagine where we’d be right now...

Not much need for script writers on a film like LW5. Hiring any would imply a need for a script...