Karl Mueller

The only thing that I would pay to watch either of them do is DROWN....

This woman is a total disgrace. She has the ethics of a lamprey.

Let’s all freak out about dogs while the leading cause of death for our children is actually GUNS. I see your pit bull, and raise you a .45

Don’t forget to bring in the cadaver dogs. The nose always knows...

Mother’s Day is the worst day of the year to work the buffet line. It has a an attitude all its own...

This is why no sane person seeks celebrity.

New room-mate for Kyle Rittenhouse?

“Standing His Ground”?

Why don’t you try it and find out, then?

This illustrates the problem with having “influencers” instead of actual role models. To me, that spotlight brings with it a level of resposibility, which this clown clearly failed to meet...INTENTIONALLY. Let him go “influence” in PRISON for a while. Maybe he’ll learn something. I have my doubts...

I guess Polanski wasn’t available...

“Conservatives” like to rant about Hell at the same time they turn our planet into one. I can only conclude that they are trying to bring about the “End of Days” mentioned in that Book they all claim to have read. Thing is, I read it, and the End isn’t what they think it is. Just another death cult...dragging us all

I have a friend that used to work for Oscar Mayer. Talk to him about his time there, and you may never want to eat a hot dog again in your Life. 

They suppress unions and support “conservative” causes. I used to live in Minneapolis, where they’re based, and they were in the news frequently for their agenda. I also had some friends who had the misfortune of working for them. Naturally, these things tend to get stifled on a national level. The whole “job

Ever notice the similarity between “Yeehaw” and “Jihad”? Same mindset, too...

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you LIZ HOLMES!”

Target is run by fascists. I’d sooner drink stale horse piss out of as boot than shop there.

We’ll read about this kid again some day. The next time the charge will probably be murder.

There are more guns than PEOPLE in this country, genius.

They simply need to be taught what happens to boys who misbehave. I suspect that they all CRAVE to be taken over someone’s knee.