Karl Mueller

Well, it’s been nice knowing some of y’all...

Why? BECAUSE THEY CAN. Everyone has the ability to just walk away. I exercised mine years ago.

Yet another example of a gun ruining a life. At least nobody died in this instance. Was anyone “kept safe’? Of course not. We claim to be enlightened, yet we have more guns than people in this country. Fear makes people ignorant...

In some ways MTV News was the beginning of the end. As soon as the bean counters figured out how much cheaper it was to pay someone to talk than it was to run a copyrighted video, the road to “reality TV” began.  

Wisconsin Germans have their own version of Steak Tartare called “Cannibal Sandwiches”. I thought this was a perfectly normal meal until I was a teenager, and started thinking about the raw meat and eggs involved. Goes great with cold beer...

The Dread Pirate Roberts should just make him walk the plank.

Are you ignoring me?

She says that she takes “full responsibility”. Would she be saying that if the teacher had DIED?

We need to STOP calling their filth “white supremacy” because that JUSTIFIES IT. Call it what it is- white supremacism. “White supremacy” is BILGE. Examine your language, or is this ON PURPOSE? To clarify further, we are all one species, and we’re ALL from Africa.

Lindsey Graham looks more like a twisted version of W.C. Fields every day. He must drink A LOT to drown all those sorrows of his...

Shouldn’t that be Taco’, Ma?

The best way? JUST STAY HOME. No mass, no mass SHOOTING. Y’all have a fun party, now...

Awkward ladle? Just like a baseball bat, try choking up a little...and I don’t mean emotionally. 

Where does the waste go, genius? Your back yard? YOU are a complete waste of time.

I put my cilantro in a jar with an inch or two of water in it (stem side down, removing rubber band or twist tie), then cover with a plastic bag (leaving plenty of air in it) and put a rubber band around the jar to seal it up. Then it goes on the top shelf of the fridge, and usually keeps for at least a week. YMMV,

What, exactly is “white”? I’ve sen a lot of people in my Life. Most were off-pink, some brownish, and some a more yellow-orange tint. I’ve heard there are also blue people, but I’ve never seen one. Anyway, all were the same species- homo sapiens, although a few could probably pass for Neanderthals.

People will always find reasons to hate, particularly when there are so many voices in the media clamoring for them to do so. The sane solution is to limit access to death weapons, but our corporate masters have other plans for us. Mass shooters only very seldom affect RICH people...

Maybe it has something to do with all of those broken campaign promises. Maybe people are starting to notice that there’s little ACTUAL difference between the two parties, despite all the rhetoric. Maybe they’re getting tired of BEING PLAYED...

This clown is the American equivalent of Suella Braverman. Good thing he has about as much chance of winning as I do...

Time for some new fine print on those campaign emails. You don’t think that he’ll be paying any of this HIMSELF, do you?