Karl Mueller

Maybe it was supposed to be “headLICE” that advised. Seems about right to me...

I support one for YOU.

Why is there this continued fascination with these prime examples of elitist bullshit? It’s well past time we stopped having any respect for people who have NEVER worked a day in their lives. He’s a PARASITE.

It is, actually. It sounds like you let yours own YOU, though. Who makes you have a yard? I gave that up decades ago. 

Does he consider himself qualified to comment because he does drag shows for a living, or what?

If you decide on the bird bath, be sure to change the water frequently to avoid providing breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Depends on where you get your carp. The ones we caught on Lake Huron literally tasted like garbage, Research indicated that the Chinese generally keep them live in a tank (or bathtub) for several days before cooking to let some of the junk they eat go through their digestive system. They are, after all, bottom

When the dish you’re being “forced” to try is part of a tradition that also renders you King of fourteen countries, I submit that it would be time to bite the proverbial bullet. Instead, this entitled asshole chose to end the tradition. I say they should revoke the Crown...give it to someone willing to EARN it.

How stupid do you have to be to get conned by THIS clown?

The ones I was served in Hamburg were floating in their own grease. Utterly revolting...

“I cannot tell a lie. I chopped down that cherry tree.”

Africa, too, and you clearly can’t leave out the Middle East. The “inherited” part is often a bit murky for all off them, too. Most have been inherited from someone who was particularly RUTHLESS, just like most of the wealthy families in this country. The Trump family, for example, was built upon prostitution and

Explain to me what functioning “normally” in this society consists of, when we have role models like “Ye”, Donald Trump, and Elon Musk. What killed Mr. Neely was an asshole who doesn’t understand boundaries. Did Mr. Neely touch him? NO. This clown unilaterally chose to ASSAULT someone based upon what the person was

Read the details. Industries such as restaurants will get waivers to let them keep using gas. As a retired professional chef, I can tell you that switching to electric is a bit inconvenient, but compare it to the effects of climate change. Unless we get past this selfishness of ours, it will END us, along with myraid

And what if you don’t want onions on your burger? Just another reason to go somewhere else...

Sort of the Polanski of Presidents...I like it. They even have a similar aesthetic...

Thanks to you I have THREE waffle irons. Not a complaint...thank you.

Even if they did, a hand-picked judge in Texas would simply issue an injunction to block it. From there, the fight would go to the Extreme Court, where the Dread Pirate Roberts and his cronies would certainly find precedent for it somewhere.

That was a LONG time ago. I remember when you could get a brand new Porsche for under ten grand. Funny how a lot of things changed after Reagan got elected...

This is some COSMICALLY silly shit. We need to drop this absurd obsession with the empty containers that once held human life. RECYCLING would be the best solution for our deceased, not all the elaborate, EXPENSIVE nonsense we currently practice. Did you know that most states require a body to be embalmed before