buns n' burner

You can pinch it if you want, just like you can pinch the N64 analog stick. Or you can use your thumb, like most people do. I own 3 Vectreces. I know how to use the controller.

Yes, analog thumbsticks. Starting with the Vectrex in 1982. That’s 14 years before the N64.

Yes, emulation is the way you play games other than the original hardware. The Retrons play the original carts and output to a HDTV without making your eyes bleed, which is exactly what they’re supposed to do. So if something that does exactly what is supposed to do, and does it well is trash, then you’re a trashy

Of course, anyone that doesn’t like a Nintendo console is a mobile gamer. Are they going to make the textures in the collection look like shit because that’s how they were meant to be played? The N64 was a lousy console with a lousy controller and a few good games.

God, I’m tired of Nintendo fans claiming this. The Vectrex beat them by over 10 years, and that’s just for analog sticks on a game pad... There were other analog controls going back further.

“The point stands you are effectively banning this player for little more then ruining your pixels.”

Props who say cats don’t care about people aren’t catting correctly. It’s true that nothing is free with cats; all you have to do to get a dog to love you is to let it, but with cats you have to earn it. You have to build a relationship.

Wow, it’s amazing how much overlap there is between the anti-vaxxer community and the fucking horrible people I can’t stand community.

Dear Mr. Götze,

I remember that! I also recall this thing people did back then where they actually experienced moments, rather than just trying to prove that they happened by taking a selfie.

There are two types of people: those that offhandedly make sweeping generalizations and those who don't.

If the er, ah, wind has shifted on this matter, let it not be said that I do not also blow.

The Batmobile stuff is competently executed, but waaay too forced. I feel like I’m playing Batmobile: the Video Game (with special guest appearance by Batman).

The reason that women’s sports aren’t popular, other than misogyny, is because they play like professionals.

At last, we found the key! Quick, every country: threaten Depp’s dogs! It keeps them away!

I think the implied alternative to buying it is not buying it. The review just tells you whether the reviewer thinks it’s worth playing... It’s up to you to decide if you want to buy at full price, wait for a price drop, rent/GameFly it, borrow from a friend, beg your local game store to put it in the demo kiosk, etc.

I’m not much for reality TV or game shows other than Jeopardy, but I had an idea that might make a good show:

Completely shaved is weird to me as an adult man... it’s the strongest opinion I have on the matter. Mostly I’m just happy to be invited to the party, not about to quibble about the decorations.

Genesis does what Nintendon’t.

The GC controller looks like a Fischer-Price My First Controller toy. The button layout was fine for toddlers or the disabled, but obviously not meant for anyone with any degree of coordination. It was an atrocious mess.