
I don't know who nominated Spotted Cow as the flag-bearer of our state, but Capital Brewery provides some far superior beer, in my opinion. Winter Skal is my absolute favorite, and sadly it's only a seasonal. I may be somewhat biased, because my Uncle used to work for Capital, but their beer is a cut above Spotted

Rock first and country last. SO EDGY.

Best Klans In Baseball

I hate all this bullshit where idiots have to build a personal identity around bacon, but I like bacon because it tastes like salt and fat.

That's because they are no longer contractually obligated to pay Shawn Kemp's child support.

He should start doing these for bullshit non-existent penalties.

They both played for the Dolphins. As for as I know, Mercury Morris is not on the Dolphins' active roster.

Oh man, Harris is fucked. After the police do not interview the victim, decide not to interview the accuser, wait 11 months to release the police report, delay the transfer of exculpatory blood work, decline to send the rape kit until being pressured by the public, tell the victim that her life will be "miserable" if

Im amazed that there are any more brains left in this league to concuss.

"After further review, it has been determined that the ball carrier was not facing Mecca at the time of his celebration; therefore the penalty stands."

If this article about Monday Night Countdown just consisted of your line "painfully ill-equipped to speak intelligently" it would win a Pulitzer.

MJ wouldn't have tried to regrow his hair.

Just another issue with Redskins and their abuse of alcohol

I thought the date at the bottom was bottling date?

You wish you had that guy's swagger, Burneko.

[Samer catches train to Washington DC]

go cubs go has got to be one of the dumbest 'victory' or 'celebration' songs that exists. Only the cubs would play a song with incorrect tenses to celebrate a victory. Whaddya say the cubs are gonna win today, yes we know you already won the game......they should probably start playing it before the game not after

They get to sing it anytime they want. It's actually a song meant for before the game starts (or at least before it ends):

As a Cubs fan, I have to say I agree with the guy in red about "Go Cubs Go."

Sure instead of having conversation lets just insult people we don't share opinioms with.