
way too soon after that possible sprained ankle.

“Like all parents of fully-grown children, Phil and Kathy Kassel have a bunch of crap cluttering their house that they need to get rid of. ” what do they have to do with Phil Kessel?

East Coast Bias.

Kane and Toews are getting $10.5, not $6.3

It looks like Gumballhead had sex with Lisa Simpson.


5 posts on Simmons so far today, glad I took the over.

“As a Blackhawks fan I will have to strongly disagree. The Red Wings are very good no doubt, but that doesn’t prevent me from hating them and their legions of obnoxious bandwagon fans. I absolutely loathe Tomas Holmstrom’s face, Vladimir Konstantinov’s style of play and Yzerman’s self-serious schtick.” - Me, circa

“(Never mind the sideways framegrab; the important part of the video is rightside-up.)“

man Dunleavy must be really strong to send him flying like that with only one hand!

big deal. nhl playoffs are like only the 6th best playoffs.

is this Bo Ryan?

OMG, the first time she is assigned to be a back judge for a game....

Blue Point is owned by a giant international conglomerate

Blue Point is owned by a giant international conglomerate

ask Clinton, he seemed to do just fine.


so, based upon games he actually has played, this contract is going to have to work out to about a million dollars a game, right?

I think we all know why he doesn't fly in choppers.

I hope all three go to jail.