
The ‘anti-hot take’ has become the new ‘hot take.’

Saying Klokov ‘specialized in the snatch and clean and jerk’ is like saying Messi ‘specializes in kicking soccer balls.’ Those are the only two lifts in his sport. There’s nothing else for him to specialize in.

Not surprised that Josh Smith has found yet another way to leave his taint on the game of basketball.

of course Marc-Andre Fleury would consider this tactic silly; when he needs a stoppage in play, he usually just allows a soft goal.

“You can’t try to excuse OBJ’s behavior” but you can, apparently, try to excuse the behavior of the Panthers’ players.

All 12 Panthers fans are out in force defending their racist/homophobic team. Gotta love the South.

“Everyone does it” isn’t a reason not to crack down when it’s reported, though.

He better damn well be! Even if there was contact, that was still obviously an embellishment, and deserves the penalty for it. You just don’t do that in the NHL. :P


Dalton is a good guy. Everyone hates cliché answers and he actually spoke his mind, was polite without being condescending (a trick you might want to learn), and that's not okay either. Just seems like a criticism here is unnecessary and crass. But my sincere apologies if my critique wasn't up to your illustrious

I think that’s not really the question. The question is, “If you have already made career decisions that ensured your children and all of their descendents never had to worry about money at all, would you still act like a weird crazy person?”

They already don’t have anything to worry about... this dude will gross like $200 million (with his Addidas endorsement money included) by the time his current deal with the bulls expires.

It’s not Chicago, moron.

poor grammar nazi. this must really piss you off, huh? i bet you twitch and spaz a bit every time someoneee misspells a werd tew.

Lighten up, Francis.

So waiting to attack a guy as soon as he has his back turned is supposed to give us a better impression of misunderstood Niner fans?

Almost immediately followed by signing Marcus Kruger

“Safe(r) firearm” sounds to me like “safe(r) cigaratte”. The very definition of misguided.

You seem like an exciting person.