
I feel like the guy in the dumb hardhat thing and the Dockett jersey is just trying to help the aforementioned poor bastard in the blue shirt. He attempts to break the brawler's grip on his throat, and then punches him when that doesn't work. But the cameraman calls him out like he's part of the fight.

I do hope fortune smiles well on the guy in the Dockett jersey at 0:43, trying to defend said poor bastard in the blue shirt who was being choked.

Wow, how blunt of her.

Just because the QB was not looking doesn't make it a bad hit. The guy hit him in the chest on what he thought was a contiuation of play b an interception. Big deal

Clean play. At the time of the hit, it was an INT. Foles is allowed to be blocked. He needs to keep his head up.

"But of course ESPN is under no obligation to tell the story Marshall wants told."

"I also understand after meeting with a psychologist that there are other alternative ways of disciplining a child that may be more appropriate."

The Vikings could always pull a switcharoo, which Adrian Peterson believes to be beating the hell out of a wallaby.

Quite a role model for her kid.

I love that every excuse the NFL makes is immediately refuted by three different sources. I also love that for all of this stupidity, its incredibly unlikely that anybody of real significance loses their job.

your nearest warehouse-cum-gym.

Yeah, it's like that, and then the Coca-Cola PR firm putting out a press release saying "We were under attack by malicious copyright infringers, but crushed them under the weight of our awesome trademark power." That's opposed to what Coca-Cola, or any mature corporation would actually put out, which would be nothing.

Are you saying this ruling isn't justified, Jon? I'm going to struggle to take you seriously if you have anything bad to say about the Italian justice system.

This is why Jason Whitlock is an asshole for wanting the media to stop showing the video.

That you believe any of your second paragraph is laughable.

Update: Mike Tyson Elected Mayor of Toronto

The NFL has a domestic violence problem because they have not addressed it as part of a code of conduct.

ESPN doesn't think it has a Stephan A. Smith problem.