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Network A recently posted a video of Chris Forsberg (professional drifter) trying out a Sprint car. They did mention in the video that you do steer mostly with the throttle, so that helps to explain various theories of why Stewart may have hit the gas when he was close to Ward [to steer away from him when he saw him

One thing to note about the video above, is that the camera is outside of the right side head restraint. The drivers view is nowhere near as full as this video on the right side. Also, the track in the video appears to be very well lit....

Wow, you're a better woman than me. I never would have responded to such an idiotic, hate-filled comment so graciously.

A bunch of morons opining on legal matters they know nothing about?!? What is this, the Deadspin comments section on the Tony Stewart story?

Yeah, I can't imagine why they're prioritizing an integral part of their business over (I can't put enough quotation marks around the word) "safety". (if your idea of safety is never seeing anything unpleasant, I don't know where you got the idea that the internet is supposed to be safe)


Hear that everyone? colt45 today condemned my behavior and declared me to be a piece of shit. Economic sanctions are sure to follow.

I don't write for Gawker anymore. But you're a good person. Go forth and tell everyone what a good person you are.

Oh wait, you already have.

My dad would've beat the shit out of me, in the Burger King. The new laissez-faire parenting style is raising Braydens. Point finger at yourself.

finally paid the piper.

Question: do Americans actually give a shit about high school athletes? Reading that someone was a "star" high school athlete sounds silly to me. Like who gives a fuck - it's high school.

That dunk was Lincestuous!

The problem with gingers is if you extend them too far, they snap.

5A. Getting hit by a car.

Garbage, ranked:

To: all@seniorlivingcenter.com

Anecdote: Saw CC back in their hey-day ('94?) in Springfield, MO. This guy acted like a petulant ass towards the audience. Happy 50th, asshole. Happy Friday, everyone else.

You lost me with your first sentence Rob. "Audio-visually soothing?" Fake dreads? Yeah those are awesome. And every time I hear "Round Here," at least for those first 3 seconds before I switch the station, I am compelled to seriously consider castrating myself. Thank God before I can go through with it, I have a

I feel bad for all of the Miami fans who... never mind.