
This is almost as bad as Bison Dele's boat boner.

Bosh should go back to his original team, too. He belongs there.

Well they're used to playing in a dumpster fire so.....

Unless Nate Schierholtz is also the name of the guy sitting in the front row behind the plate, that first pitch did not "nearly brain" him. It was really high and it was obvious that it was going to be really high. NON EVENT.

There goes the no-hit her.

Rizzo will surely enjoy his next at bat against Chapman. What a dipshit.

Cubs bitch about something accidental.


The Cubs pitcher brushed back Todd Frazier the inning prior. Chapman didn't hit anyone. He brushed back a guy, is all. And btw, the guy that came out to meet Rizzo was Alfredo Simon. He does NOT want to fight that guy...

Seriously, though. Who's the fucking douche who gives his props to God for taking a damn walk?

Look at all those peacocks strutting around.

Sports reasons, huh? Knock me over with a fucking feather.

There have, of course, been many instances of teams missing vital players and winning big games without them. Partly, their replacements have outperformed expectations, but often it's about preparation. Having the replacements ready to slip into the exact role, or reassigning duties as needed and making sure everyone

I don't really get the point of this article. Just to be contrarian to all the other writers you listed? It's pretty clear starting on the 2nd goal that the Brazilian team was just not there, couldn't take a punch and already giving up. Maicon "failed to track his man" but come on, he gave up quick. He had a chance to

As a Kings fan I was stoked to read this. Im hoping we have at least 5 more years of "me not being able to watch the TV because its too intense" playoffs ahead of us.

I'll be impressed when they clear Barry Bonds-sized cap space.

Brazilian halftime speech: "Was it over when the Germans bombed Mineirão?"

I am experiencing a feeling of great pleasure from Brazil's humiliation....if only there was a word in German that precisely defined this emotion.

Kobe famously uses slights like this as fuel. And if that doesn't work, he can use the incredible amount of fat he has stored up.

including recently retired cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, very likely the greatest batsman of all time.