Bunny Butt Bunny

I live in memphis and helped make the white chick famous for finding her profile and her job’s corporate number. What folks don’t realize is this: this is why blacks are mad...

Maybe this is why people think black folk can't swim; because every damn time we try someone calls the cops on us. And STFU about "eww, he had socks on". Do you really think the people themselves or their swimsuits are any cleaner (more importantly, do you honestly think EVERYONE gets out of the pool to pee?) 

I was about to complain to my apartment management that our pool doesn’t have magically self-drying decks. 

I cannot believe (*sigh* yes I can) that people are fixated on, “but did he wear socks IN the pool?” as opposed the fact that the (thankfully fired) apartment manager is a blatant racist.

Diaper thing, yes, gross, but other than that it's not our problem.

I’m not sure I get the socks or shirt thing but the diaper makes sense. Usually there is just a poolside shower with fresh water to rinse before and after you enter the pool 

Apparently he was sitting at the side of the pool with his feet, with socks on, in the pool.  I can’t link to it but Kam Porter said this on facebook.  Either way, she didn’t need to call the cops.

A lot of pools have that in the rules. All it takes is one person with bad hygiene to ruin it for everyone.

Edit: Also, normal clothes aren’t built to hold up to chlorine.

His socks look wet in the video so I’m 50/50 as to whether he wore them in the pool or they just got wet outside of the pool. I grew up near a public pool in NY and saw both more times than I can count. 

In either scenario the community manager is wrong and I’m glad she’s no longer managing that community.

I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to put your socks in the pool, swim with a shirt on, or let your baby in the water with a regular diaper.


However, NONE of this is worth calling the cops over. None of it. The neighborly thing to do would be to offer to lend him a pair of flip-flops, or something.

You know,

Amy Schumer, come get your racist sister.

So ... Missy Thing doesn’t read (or watch) the news, then. Because otherwise she'd already know about  #IDAndy,  who was fired for that kind of scapegoating behavior. 

Hmm. I wonder how the grays will make excuses for this one? Perhaps he was concealing razor sharp toenails.

I love the self righteous ‘you’re being ridiculous’ look she’s giving them. Complete with hands on hips. 

The only reason R. Kelly isn’t persona non grata right now is because BLACK people (men and women) don’t care enough about BLACK women to drop his ass. Same reason Chris Brown is still making music. We betray our own. There are myriad reasons for it—we don’t respect black women (as Malcolm X said, the most neglected/

Why not find a different version sung by someone else? Or record yourself and him singing it and listen to that. You could even change the lyrics and keep the melody.

“It matters a lot to me because black women and girls matter and in the era of #MeToo and Black Lives Matter, it is incredibly frustrating to see how hard we still have to fight to get people, including people who look like us, to believe and affirm and understand that.”

I know this is wrong... But I misread the first sentence, and briefly thought that Lemieux had to become a prolific sockpuppeteer out of necessity...

I just do not understand how Black women can continue to Step In The Name of Love and support that pedophile. Every time R. Kelly’s music comes on, I turn the radio station. I left the dancefloor with the quickness when a DJ started playing his music. I am in Chicago, where mofos continue to stand up for that fool. 

Went to a Leela James/ Raheem DeVaugjn concert a few years ago and Raheem spent about 20 minutes right in the middle of his show performing R Kelly songs. I wasn’t a huge fan (was there for Ms. James) but I was still disappointed at his performance and the mindless reaction (dancing and joyful screaming) of the crowd