Bunny Butt Bunny

If she was a real apartment manager she would’ve just fined them for breaking the pool rules rather than call the cops. Calling the cops?! The police need to start fining folks for stuff like this. It’s getting real obnoxious. 

In the video his socks look soaked. I don’t think she was denying that he dunked his socks into the pool I think she was frustrated because there were other individuals at the pool who were not adhering to the pool policy as well. I think that’s why she mentioned some people had on basketball shorts and baseball caps.

I 100% agree with everything you’ve posted. No one wants to be neighborly first. They would rater “police” first rather than get to know the residents. Part of her job as an apartment manager is to make people feel at home at the complex not call the cops over socks in the pool. What she could’ve done was given them a


Okay now I’m definitely buying her book now. I’ve been putting it off for years trying to play catch up with other readings.


I agree. Many people are not very intelligent nor read books often.

Never feel guilty about who you choose to love. I never did understand why people put so much on total complete strangers who know nothing about you yet you’re suppose to care about what they think because of race?? People are psychotic.

You’re so negative.

Why not upgrade to Shea butter ashy Larry.

Lovely. Thank you for sharing.