Maxine Waters is a national treasure and hero. Her vote against the Iraq War Resolution in 2002 will confer upon her a legacy of being one of the few politicians of the era of courage and conscience.
Maxine Waters is a national treasure and hero. Her vote against the Iraq War Resolution in 2002 will confer upon her a legacy of being one of the few politicians of the era of courage and conscience.
Somebody needs to crush that old fuck.
See also:
I am a middle-class, educated, churchgoing small-town white woman who wears Dress Barn dresses and cardigans and works in schools and libraries. I look like the last person in America who (insular, sheltered middle-class white) people—the majority of my acquaintance—would imagine needing the ACA. In reality, for my…
Nobody knew healthcare was that complicated.
I love how “working-class” is a term to mean white and employed in manufacturing, repair services, energy production, agricultural production, or police and emergency services. God bless those people. They’re the salt of the earth.
Leon Kaner and Edward Joffe- the two people she murdered. Oh and the second bomb she planted in the supermarket was timed for the emergency services. Fortunately is was defused with seconds to spare.
Huh, that’s weird, because “Palestine” is exactly how that land was referred to during the pre-1948 British Mandate and, shockingly, “Palestinian” is exactly how the British listed citizenship for people residing in the area, whether Jew, Christian or Muslim (source). So, from from not existing, Palestinian…
Firstly, Jewish people AND Israel don’t want to see all Palestinians (and other Arabs) dead. The same cannot be said about Palestinians (and other Arabs). That makes them better. It’s that simple.
I’m saying people like you babble vitriol about Zionists left and right while never even saying the word Islamist let alone spewing similar rhetoric about them shows that your issue is with Jews, not injustice.
Odeh is a convicted murderer, not a former “political prisoner.” The fact that you are standing up for her instead of saying that the movement is more important than its people and we should find leaders worthy of our cause says it all.
The fact that Rasmea murdered innocent children and lied to justify this, and lied to get into the U.S. and has stirred up further aggression and violence through her involvement in Black Lives Matter and the Women’s March says it all. It also says it all about anyone who considers this murdering, lying opportunist a…
The shocking cognitive dissonance here is mind-shattering.
I noticed the heading for this piece is “intersectionality”. It highlights the main reason I don’t trust it: it demands that to be a good little feminist you must direct you solidarity and empathy towards whomever the gatekeepers say you do. You must support them blindly. I must blindly support the Palestinians in the…
I appreciate your thoughtful reply. Appreciate it even more when scanning through the later comments where (if I’m reading right) you’ve got Locomotive Jones calling you a “piece of shit” and Bullterrierterror saying “Fuck this cunt and you” (as a leadin to that bizarre pumpkin-pie metaphor. Huh?). I don’t know why…
“is rooted in a social justice ethos and is entwined with a commitment to combat all forms of bigotry, including against Jews.”
Ah yes, the “you can’t be a feminist unless you also support all my other political beliefs” argument. That one never gets old. Put your feminism on hold and go take care of Palestine and the environment and employee rights and animal rights and every other cause under the sun, and then when you’ve solved all their…
Thank you <3 Its not ok to hate anyone, and I’m just so frustrated that intersectionality doesn’t include me. That I have to prove my worth.
The author qualifies everything Rasmea Odeh has done as “alleged” while treating Odeh’s accusations against Israel as verified facts. In reality, Odeh only made these claims of torture and sexual assault decades later as a defense against deportation, in an attempt to use her immigration fraud trial to re-litigate the…