
Is it possible that Odeh a) did the crimes she was imprisioned for by Isreal, and b) knowingly lied on her citizenship application because she knew she’d be turned down?

Holy crap, I cannot WAIT for this! I’m popping the popcorn already. I met Frances McDormand once when they were filming a scene for Almost Famous at my work. This is how it went: Me- “Hi, I love your work, you look like my mom.” Frances-(pause) “Thank you”. She is a lovely woman, I am an idiot.

We need to stop with heaping this ridiculous criticism of Emily Shire. In the same piece you criticize, she mentions her desire for a Two State Solution. If you wanna say that some (hell, maybe many) Zionists are too extreme and uncompromising, sure. But Emily Shire is not one of them. Her piece is a direct reaction


She bombed a supermarket. She was implicated by her co-conspirator, who named Odeh’s role in the bombing. Whatever you feel about Israel, to exploit Feminism for purposes of defending a terrorist with such agit-prop is soulless.

This is my second opportunity in a week to post a Sam Rockwell gif and I’m stoked about it.

Which BDS comment? The “Civil Society Call” document that represents the founding of the movement literally says “all Arab lands” in its first demand Omar Barghouti has directly said that means there would be no Israel. The right of return in the third demand would end the existence of a Jewish state, and literally

Professor Erakat has no first-hand knowledge of whether Odeh is guilty of the bombing that killed two young Israelis or not. It’s no clear that she’d care either way... because resistance. Her defense of Odeh amounts to, if the Israeli criminal justice system says one thing, and a Palestinian “activist” another, she

It’s just that there aren’t any Zio-bots - or if there are, I think you’re being too easy on yourself in applying the label to anyone on the other side of this issue. I went and looked at your profile and some of your past comments - just wondering where you’re coming from. It’s so easy to get into debates on these

You don’t think there’s a massive, well-documented anti-Israel propaganda effort worldwide, financed by the wealthy Arab states?

Then propose an alternative. Where should Jews be? America is about the least hostile place, but historically hasn’t been that great (and things are getting worse). Germany? France? We know how those went. Russia? Even worse. Your answer isn’t “not that land,” your answer is “no land.” Do you support genocide? Maybe

Odeh confessed after less than a day in prison. On top of every other piece of evidence corroborating her involvement (her sister saying she was involved, the explosives found at her house), like really? A debatable confession? Are people that dumb to not see that the debate was created to win this specific case?

They deserve self-determination, and I’ve never said differently. Zionism is an ideology based around the explicit and empirical threat posed to one group of people for their identity. If you say Jews aren’t deserving of controlling a segment of land, then you are saying Jews are worthy of systematic discrimination

Now playing

Except it turns out Rasmea is in fact a terrorist

Now playing

Let’s be clear about this. Rasmea Odeh is a terrorist, who bombed a supermarket, murdered two people, and hoped to murder more.

That’s not me saying that. It’s Aysha Odeh, her accomplice, in a pro-Palestinian documentary, Women in Struggle. You can watch the key clip here

Another perspective, from the victim’s niece:

Did Jezebel seek out a viewpoint from the other side, or are the editors simply comfortable with the context-free claim that Israel and Zionism are simply a modern nationalist movement? Nothing about the utter failure of the Enlightenment in Europe to successfully integrate Jews as Jews without demanding they abandon

“You know, I’m not too sure about your police work there, Lou”

I’m going to watch the shit out of this movie. I was just talking to someone on another thread about Sam Rockwell and here he is.

As a man who remembers what being 12 was like I have to agree