
That. Is a great term. And very true; I guess ruling through a PR campaign of dread is effective in real life but makes for boring TV after a while. Like at this point, Thanos has to become the worst Marvel villain ever just because of the build-up.

Thanks for such a thoughtful reply! Totally agree about the same dynamic happening with Muslim women. Jezebel is pretty much the only site I post comments on, ever, because for the most part, the discussions are nuanced and pretty respectful. Other sites, it’s like sticking your head in a blender :-)

Your cat is awesome.

Totally. And right on the heels of that idiotic guidance counselor in 13 Reasons Why.

I am still not over it and break out into occasional rants about it (and can’t yet afford to buy the DVDs). We just started The Detectorists and love it, but there’s times (like right before bed) that only a Bob’s will do. So sad.


That seems reasonable.

How do you know that?

I literally have no idea what you are responding to. My post was in response to your snotty one to Bubaruba. I am not commenting on Palestinians. I am well aware of Jewish history. Take care!

1. Making sweeping generalizations about an entire group of people is wrong. Using three examples which are meant to be extrapolated to represent that entire group of people is wrong. Calling anti-semitism a Mythical Boogieman (while using anti-semitic tropes to back up your claim, ironically) is wrong. “Explaining”

Thank you so much. I started to write a response to this unbelievable bullshit and just couldn’t even.

I want to whisper in her ear what my mother would occasionally whisper in mine when I wore a skirt, “Your knees are friends and they should meet.” 

Yeah, kind of like the way sociopaths are calm during a fight.

Ha ha! That’s fantastic. “Your time is done” my ass. I love that all these women are sending him the same message. Although now I wish I had added that someone like him would probably serve with distinction in the Republic of Gilead.

Totally. I was so fucking angry today I left a message with his office, basically saying that his behavior was incredibly unprofessional and unacceptable. I wasn’t sure why that aspect of it pissed me off so much, and your response really clarified it for me, so thank you.

Excellent article, thank you.

Thank you. I get having to set a time-limit in a hearing, but it was his look of contempt towards her at the end that really got me. I’ve seen it before, usually when a woman has the actual gall to be speaking about something with passion and insight, and it makes me want to puke every time. The fact that he