
Cheap shot. Mayim wasn’t victim blaming. She was right when she made the point that she was overlooked because she wasn’t typically beautiful. In Hollywood, beautiful woman are trophies. I know. I worked there.

Oops, I caught a Nazi!

I know there was a second march for racial justice held in NYC on Sunday that a lot of Jews in that area attended- I saw photos from a Hasidic friend who went, and there seemed to be a pretty diverse mix of folks, including a lot of white people.

And here I thought Jezebel was an echo chamber...

No, that is not at all what I said, I was just offering the actual reason that myself and many of my friends weren’t there. We tried to bring this up months ago and were met with the same dismissive attitude that you are demonstrating now....I was merely pointing out that many of the liberals, Jews for Justice

Many of us wanted to be there in solidarity with our black sisters, but they scheduled the march for Yom Kippur, which is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. And there are an overwhelming number of liberal Jews in the DC area who weren’t able to participate because of the timing. It’s akin to holding the Women’s

I don’t give two shits about what “people” say. White Brits and Americans have dominated the entire world, and it ain’t from their witty repartee.

Do you have other advocacy recommendations for organizations that do not support BDS?

Have you even read the studies? Most of them are not surveys AND you can hold for things like lifestyle (exercising, not smoking, college educated, eating more veggies, etc).

Nah. I know some very awesome, low-key vegans who don’t bug other people about their nutritional choices. It only comes up for me when I host for dinner (I’m not vegan and I don’t rub bacon in the face of people who are. I don’t like bacon. And now I’ll probably be stoned to death and run out of the omnivore camp. :D

You wanted to die? Really?

Did you actually watch the documentary all the way through?

This is a SHIT article that effectively says nothing. Eating animal flesh and secretions are bad for human health, the planet (meat/dairy industry is responsible for more toxic emissions than ALL air/land/water automotive industries COMBINED), and the animals, and is proven time and again. “Studies” that says

I just wonder if the people that refuse to even think about a plant-based diet have kids or a person the care about? Besides the health part, meat is unsustainable and killing the planted faster than we’ll die from it. Everyone will be eating plant-based soon because they won’t have a choice.

I really don’t understand the point of this argument. Sure, meat eating was an essential part of our evolution as human beings and a necessary survival strategy for people living in a Malthusian condition. But so were plenty of other activities that we do not do now, and for which we would not make the same sort of

You skipped over the part about billions of animals suffering just so you can consume them.

FFS Ryan, “it made (you) want to die”? So you cringed at it and decided to post an equally cringe-worth article?

I thought there was great reporting of all the food sponsorships of the so-called health organizations.

Yup, how’d you know that’s exactly what vegans eat! Have fun with your cancer! I’ll be cooking an even more delicious and nutritious meal because, hey, I know how to cook! And I know how to use ingredients and spices and other things to make good food! But as you know, only a diet that includes meat can be tasty! Haha

“Well, avoid meat if animal welfare or environmentalism is important to you.”. Shouldnt that be important to everyone?! If it’s not important, then you are a complete asshole. This article is bullshit. How did it make you “want to die”? Is this a piece that you had to write in order to look “busy” at work?