
Ludicrous incompetence from Tesla. GM had the 45-pound tungsten cube issue licked in the 50's! When we were young, we’d drop 45-pound tungsten cubes on each other just to say good morning! Has Musk learned nothing from other car makers?

Doing this destructive shit for clicks...I’m so over it and I wish it wasn’t possible for someone to earn a living this way.

Frivolous destruction porn.  Meanwhile people are starving to death.

The internet was a mistake.

How ‘bout the General Grant:

First of all, nothing exudes confidence more than soaking the engine bay in tire shine spray. Secondly, don’t people realize that as soon as they are on a public road, or if people drive by their houses that we can see their license plates? Hence why its sort of stupid to cover them up in ads. Lastly, good luck

What would it cost to add the antilock brakes back? This thing looks like an absolute hoot!”

For the association:

Everyone knows that you have to caulk the wagon first.

Schadenfreude: it is by far, the best emotion....

Yea there was a guy at my old cars n coffee that dailied his. I think he had it since brand new, it is definitely used, but in decent shape. Another guy regularly drives his 3000 GT VR-4, I love to see it.

Huh? Lucid sells for $70k for the base model through $250k for the Sapphire.

audi drivers are the kind of people that would stream tidal. The only person i know that actually uses tidal drives an audi... 

There’s a lot more to “environment” than solely emissions (though some sources say Ethanol production emissions are worse than petrochemical), including chemical runoff, monoculture soil depletion, and biome destruction. 

Everyone should do themselves a favour and try a Mexican-made Coke.  It’s made with cane sugar and is so much better than the American crap.  You’ll curse the corn lobby for ruining sodas.

It’s an AMG with good heat and a new battery! What else do you want to know?!?!? 

Just like I wrote yesterday, high-end Germanmobiles with some years on them are the Wrong Stuff—cheap to buy and expensive to own—as the parts’ cost causes your credit card to melt. But yes, this Benz is in such great shape and his price is so reasonable, that it’s an NP. (I can’t believe I wrote that, yet here we are.

I guess I think of planned obsolescence as a purposefully shitty product. They want it to fail so you have to buy a new one. Don’t get me started on how many refrigerators I’ve purchased over the past 15 years...

I spoke to the service manager at our local RV spot in the parking lot as they were fixing a water pump issue for the third time in six months. He said that the manufacturer (a well-known one) designs their rigs around a planned use life of 42 trips and that we should count ourselves lucky if we get anything beyond

You could install the uBlock Origin extension to your browser and have a much better experience. I did that a couple of years ago when I read an article on Gizmodo (of all places) about it. It does require you to allow sites access for certain functionality (banking and such probably won’t work right if you’ve got it