
I’m not buying a complex and unreliable vehicle from a seller that couldn’t do even the simplest thing:  TPMS sensors are all of $100. What else hasn’t been worked on?  This is absolutely a car to stay away from when the owner says it’s all ok “except for this one light”. ND. 

10 year old out of warranty VW diesel.

I recently saw a 16k bill for a bad seal on an Audi 3.0 TDI which, luckily for the owner, had an extended warranty.

It's pretty clean, and the miles aren't bad for the age, but as far as I'm concerned, a modern VW without a warranty is pretty much always a ND.

I’m surprised no one tried to think of a way to charge $1500 for some color accent package and send them from the factory that way. There was clearly a demand for the color pop. 

No horse in the race regarding the splitter guard.  I dont own the car or any car that would have one.  I thought the pop in color was a nice touch even after I found out it was supposed to be thrown away.

And nobody - NOBODY - raises prices for nonsense corollary reasons like the oil industry. Tidal wave in Philippines? Gas gets more expensive. Russia invades Ukraine? Gas gets more expensive. Gas is too expensive? Gas gets more expensive.

I’m all for your freedoms, but look around, it’s been a week and the mass imprisonment of innocent people has already started.

He’ll call it the Model N, so they can be Naxis.

Collatoral personnel damange is a problem, but the thought of Trump and Musk flying together on a hastily assembled aircraft.... I mean, I see some upside potential. 

Will the “x” in “taxi” be a little swastika so people know who they’re paying for the service?

1. Don’t most robotaxi companies currently testing have, like, 5 LIDARs each or some shit? These don’t even have one...

You joke, but literally a week ago Trump gutted a key airline safety committee.

Good advice, I will not waste time here, you are a boot licker.

So “actual free speech” is platforming Nazis and suspending journalists and anyone who says “cis”?

I’m not going to use my time to tell you you’re wrong.  I’m going to use my time to tell you that you’re a piece of nazi sucking shit. 

They’re interesting like NASA and DARPA products are interesting, and I’ll never get to use those either.

Aw man I was really worried I was ending up in the Scotty Kilmer category, but I don’t give misinfo or clickbait.

Entirely a fucking hack to my dozens and dozens of fans though. 

I bought my ‘96 Viper GTS on Craigslist in 2018. 

No company is completely innocent (just look at all the banks accused of fraud or robbing their own customers). But these days I will settle for the companies whose CEOs aren’t making “awkward hand gestures” during public appearances.