
In before Cybertruck! I personally love the SSR, but I’m fully aware my opinion on this matter is objectively incorrect.

And, in a... let’s say a questionable testament to the perseverance of the human spirit...

I normally like your takes Bradley but you are on your own here lol 

Pro Tip: To get a whole tankful of premium, when the owner goes in to pay, drive away in their luxury car.

Pft don’t lump me in with those vape juicers. An Evo would never =)

Simple solution. Do as my home state of Maine did many decades ago - BAN the damned things entirely whether they are digital or not. They are a blight on the landscape.

tRump is an idiot and a traitor.  So is anyone that still supports him.

How else will small towns broadcast daredevil stunts?

They massacred my boy.

Who spends that much money to make an interior so ugly and cheap looking?

Who spends that much money to make an interior so ugly and cheap looking?

Hey, want to pay too much for a mediocre car that isn’t in very good shape? What if we sweeten the pot and tell you that the inside looks like a casket for a circus ringmaster with no taste!

*ring ring*

Here. Get a nice, clean, unmolested, STICK SHIFT 93 Mustang for $9,900:

Still shows on the dealer web site. May mean they just don’t update that as often.

That’s the car you wanted to get but you got the old Tempo when your parents bought a newer Taurus.

Small sample size, but still…

I’d also wager it has never seen the inside of a garage.

The Drive is better on ads has a super toxic comment section for some reason. It is all weird boomer trump supporters. I stopped visiting for that reason - the comments are half the fun.

You need an ad blocker.  They’re even available on IOS devices now.  You’ll thank me later.