

A collector that actually drives his car...that’s cool in my book

Turn left in .247 kilomiles

Or just listen to your own iPod or CDs or whatever and never lose signal or listen to commercials or dipshit DJs

But they do it with panache.

The same chick who changes her name from Kitty to Karen.

Bingo. Is there any correlation between production/delivery efficiency and build quality? Methinks yes.

VW’s very good at destroying any type of reputation they have, aren’t they? First they destroyed their reputation for reliability, then dealer experiences, and now they can’t even figure out if/when they’re building a car?

And that’s just the Harbor Freight stuff.

Sorry, the QX80 is uglier still:

Lamborghini Sesto Elemento

Zenvo ST1, it looks like a bottom feeder that you just stepped on and is going to get revenge. Also it isn’t afraid to set you on fire.

Buick GNX

Saw that coming...

Son, I am disappoint

Welcomm tah woostah. Dollah twentii-fife please.

Uber flashback.

Toll Booth Willie is still good for a laugh..

The most insane part of these “takeover conspiracies” is that these people believe they, armed with hunting rifles, small assault weapons (maybe), and Vietnam-era souvenir artillery, would fend off the full might of the American military. THINK ABOUT HOW CRAZY THIS SOUNDS.