

Can’t vote by mail if there is no mail!

Looks like someone hacked up the poor old thing into a trucklet with a tonneau cover, couldn’t figure out how to finish the roof, and just threw a tarp over it.

Depends on the top. This one looks like a bad afterthought. 

Saw headline. Hit CP immediately on this abomination. Went back to read more, and didn’t change my mind.

In my area, this is a definite CP. Anything of this vintage that’s not 4WD is a throwaway truck that can be found for dirt cheap.


$3500 for a 2wd with 175,000mi on the clock? Hot CP. This is a $1500 truck. 

My parents went through a Caddy phase in the 90's and 00's. Everything was a grenade, but the engines seemed “relatively” ok in comparison. From tip to tail, everything on these is pure shit, and their prices reflect it. They had to scrap their last one because no dealer would even take it as a trade in. It had

For any price over $Free, run, don’t walk away from this nightmare.

A) No, you can’t fit a Civic in a truck bed unless your truck bed is at least 13' long and over 5' wide

We’ve got a Real ‘Murican™ here guys, look out. Needs a lot of capability to haul that swingin’ dick smolpipi. FTFY, sir

And the Honda won’t spend 40% of its life in the shop

I had an ‘09 Fit, and you would be amazed at how much crap you can stuff in that car. It’s like a friggin void. Also was more fun to drive than my previous Civic (‘05 EX SE manual). I definitely have a soft spot for the Fit. 

Danny Clinton is the actual vocalist, and Vince Johnson does the music. Joe just lip syncs. 

Like Milverine?

Man, Super Replicas is doing solid work these days!!!

This makes me sad.

I have one of these. Free to anyone who wants it. My knives are MUCH better at slicing meat. 

I have one of these. Free to anyone who wants it. My knives are MUCH better at slicing meat.