
Chevy...It won’t run well for long, but it will run like shit forever. 

Unrelated but.... So Deadspin doesn’t even have authors now? All the articles are just written by “Deadspin”. WTactualF?

This Chrome extension seems to do the trick.

With the screen being the biggest energy hog of all phones, why wasn’t dark mode an option from the start?

Why does Mrs Barrymore have a dickbutt tattoo on her arm?

Just run an ad blocker. 

If there was a bad monetary decision to be made at 19, I did it, but I think you have me beat. I’m a cruiser guy myself. I used to have a Shadow that everyone thought was a Sportster. My problems with HD have always been price and reliability. Why would someone plunk down $25k when they could have an infinitely more

You are in the extreme minority to be able to afford such a luxury purchase at 19. I’d also bet you don’t see a lot of HD riders your age. I don’t see a ton my age (early 40's). Not saying they don’t exist, but......

Personally, I think they’re beautiful bikes. I just don’t want a bike designed in the 50's.

Exactly, but for 30 large, I’d want something reliable. HD is not exactly that. They’re just a really expensive fashion accessory.

Exactly! I used to get Autoweek a few years back. You could easily read the whole thing in one bathroom trip. More than half of them were ads, and the whole thing was about 20 pages. 

Good choice. Great back up choice as well. 

Gold Wing riders would like a word with you.....

My point exactly

I dunno, to stay in business after their core clientele die off in the coming years? 

For the same reasons that they’re already declining. Who the hell can afford a $30,000 bike? A few boomers sure, but they all want to ride “real Harleys” and cosplay as homeless vets after leaving their dental practice 

That thing is not just ugly, it’s FUGLY

I was responding to a comment. Did you read the comment, Abe? 

Janitors at my local GM plant (now shuttered) made $45,000/yr in the mid nineties. Adjusting for inflation, that’s $77,000/yr now. 
