
You could work on your movement, game sense, and aim all you want, but at the end of the day what’s the point when you can just strap on a jotunn or erentil or whatever and do the same thing?

I  believe this is what the youth call “daddy issues.” 


Spoken like someone who has no concept of real-life obligations limiting one’s leisure time.

Damn my man, you’ve got some strong feelings about something that probably wont affect you in any possible way. Lighten up.

After only two posts I know for an absolute certainty that you are a complete douche.

Because maybe those of us with careers, wives, mortgages, children, etc. would still like to have fun playing a video game every once and a while, without having to commit to an extensive training regiment.

headshots are popular in video games because they’re invariably fatal when shot (body’s control center) and they’re smaller/harder to hit. these two facts make for a check, where one player with more skill than another, can get the edge on others.

Didn’t he also say he was going to fix the Flint water crisis if elected?

Republican men are extremely homophobic and anti-LGBTQ. So you know they’re all getting their gay on secretly while arguing how evil it is. Standard stuff for them.

Trump can’t find someone to fix the ferret on his head he wants us to believe in 2019 he’s going to find the cure for cancer.  That’s only for Trump voters to believe.  

Odd that this president would pick curing AIDS when his vice president considers it a cure for homosexuality.

Odd that Trump would pick AIDS, of all things. It’s a disease that mainly affects black people and homosexual men. Unless his supporters are secretly banging blacks and gays on the sly (especially black gays), which, I guess, would make it a major issue.

When this fat sack of shit finally expires we all should all respond “Too Bad.”

and curing childhood cancer very shortly

When this fat sack of shit finally expires we all should all respond “Too Bad.” I remember the line from Chris Rock when he joked about the first black VP. He said whoever shot the President would be a hero in jail. If someone put two in lard asses chest I don’t think anyone in the joint would give a shit. When he

It would be so great if she did not also have some, shall we say, questionable views about science and medicine.

Then go argue your case in court. Being a dick to cops never works, even if you’re white. It’s far less likely to get you killed if you’re white, but you’re basically never going to get a cop to unwrite a ticket.

Yep. I like that. It means you have 6 relatively mild Halloweens followed by a 7th that you can really let loose on.

Every year at work when people dress up I get the “why didn’t you dress up?”