
“You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do you, punk? Now hurry up and get your milk and cookies, it’s story time, Billy.”

It’d be nice to know that the left has some sort of actual response: consistent, sane messaging opposing these nuts. But, damn, every time the economy tanks, christian nationalists get elected.

Was she a member of the union? Since she was fired and not walked out, I’d assume that she wasn’t. Not saying unions are perfect, but they can really help when times are tough.

To balance it, they should also look at the complications of not getting an abortion.  “This could be your mother, sister, or friend.”   

It’s an easy thing to assert, especially since it’s such a tasty soundbite. It would be a fun project to get a list of people in, say, the 1% and list out the good they have done, as well as the bad.  

How red without the gerrymandering?  

Capital One.

Just put on an alien suit and tell the guards you were just out for a smoke break easiest way in ever.

Teased the camo dudes?  Do tell.  You moon ‘em or something?

It’d be fun to ask him that question on twitter.   

And are alive with the sound of music.

Say what you want, Sept 20th should be mildly to moderately interesting.   

> what if your beverage of choice isn’t a beer?

> what if your beverage of choice isn’t a beer?

You must either be Kylie or someone who went to the party. How were the hors d’oeuvres?

Weird Thing Flying.   Better acronym. 

A green smiley?  Heh - it’s a happy Mr. Yuck..

> Don’t hate your job.
Any tips on avoiding that?  

Looks like we’re back to beer on the porch, which is a pretty good thing.

> There is a measles outbreak in the USA:
That’s part of the brilliant scheme put forth by the GOP. By encouraging the USA to become a plague nation, fewer people will want to come here. Next up: catapults that fling our diseased dead at people seeking asylum.

Finer point: Hillary was made to be uninspiring. The right wing media, both organized and unorganized, did an excellent job tarnishing her reputation. They have been attacking her for decades. Heck, they are still terrified and intimated by her and continue to attack her. 

If you can’t have morals or ethics, then you might as well have money.