Bumblecat: Cat Burglar

May I offer you a couple of super cute bunnies? They're fuzzy!

I think that right now, it's easier to get non-stereotype roles for asian men, rather than women. If only because when you're a hot asian guy, you've already beat the nerdy asian stereotype. But for women, especially as asian women are taken as uber-feminine, it's quite a bit more difficult, to get that balance right

This! All the thises! I was actually sooo happy when Lost came out and there was an Asian!!! Character!!! Who wasn't a goddamn stereotype!!! Who knew that asians were actually people??? Rrr.


Will someone plz make a gif of that cat hissing before they stamp the "Monopoly with a cat?" sticker on the screen? Plz??

Logical: No!!!!!

I mean, it's that or apply the dismiss button liberally. Which sometimes makes me sad in that I like it when humans out themselves as vapid, self-absorbed, criminally oblivious idiots. Makes me feel better about myself.

[snickers] Hey look, it's Logical! Or "Illogical," as it were.

Yes, but was it yogurt?

"Number Count" is a horridly redundant phrase.

My mom gets one of those huge tubs of tofu, presses the water out (I drink it because it's nummy and refreshing), and then cuts them up into pieces about the size of a deck of cards, then panfries them until they're golden brown on all sides. Then we make a quick pickle sauce (ratio of 3 tablespoons vinegar, 2

I'm going out upon a limb, and assume The Pale One (Albite) meant that "Holy Shit" comment as a positive reflection upon the spicy chicken.

That sounds awfully nummy. How does one prepare such a delicacy? Do you marinade it? Do you use a fluffy seltzer batter or a crunchy cornmeal batter. Inquiring minds desire to know.

[Snickers] I see him write WoW and imagine him using "World of Warcraft" as an actual epithet. So many giggles. You have no idea.

Chicken! Go for the chicken! That congealed jelly at the bottom of the roasting pan after you've frigerated it! Best ever, I swear.

Blame the French.

Or at least Imperiused you to leave you alone until she finished eating.

Cream chiz is overwhelming on some savory bagels. It is known.