
you can! it is delicious! i used to make this all the time. i don't know if they still make them, but if you can get the non-frosted strawberry ones, they really work best... heat them up, and then add the best ice cream you can find. it's messy and fantastic.

what??? i thought everyone did this when they first moved out? i practically lived on this grotesque, yet strangely satisfying sandwich for a couple of years. the ice cream really cuts the sweetness of the Pop Tart.

well, sure! if the women are coached to play along exactly like this - you can still choose not to take them seriously, plus... there's an office full of candy and beer!

i totally agree. before i met my husband, i was always friends with the guy first. i would suddenly have a moment where i would look at him in a new way and zing! the attraction was on. but maybe that was because i never really "looked" for a relationship... they just kind of happened? weirdly, the dude i actually

when Mr. Beaver and i first started dating, he was living in the suburbs helping his mum get over a serious depression. we took public transit into town and back all the time at the most ridiculous hours and that's how i knew it was love.

i bought my 3 y/o kid her own personal copy of How To Be A Woman when it came out in paperback: in the event of my untimely demise, i wanted to make sure someone would be there to tell her this kind of stuff. i just printed off the full text of this new article - i'll probably read it to her at her menstruation fête,

and, at least where i live (ON - Canada), certified midwives have more training in normal birth than OBs. y'all are the experts, and i thank you for it!

all the YESSSSSSSes.

um, yes! push UP or press down for the passing of the human watermelon? that would down, please! and yes, i did have a natural, excellent, gravity-assisted birth having spent 35 years totally terrified of that exact thing. whee

oh buddy - i used to be you!

must go make dinner omelette for offspring, but YES and more YES to all of this!

plutocrabbit! love. it.

it is my contention that placing the word "gentleman" in front of any animal name equals instant comedy. my kid recently wrote a story featuring a "gentleman lobster" and i have to say your "elderly gentlemen bunnies" are making an extremely valuable (and scientific!) contribution to my theory! wheee

wow, no matter how careful one is about language... one can never be careful enough. by "often" i meant "in many specific cases". every birth is different, blah blah blah.

i know i won't be the only one to chime in here, but VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) is often very safe.

yep - if you can read... you can cook!

oh but with kids, it's even easier! teach them to like raw vegetables & cheese and you've got it made. also, soup. i love to cook - but i have no time - and it totally doesn't matter because i know i'm teaching the little Bumblebeaver how to eat well, even when she's pressed for time.

Green Beaver over here, too.

testify, sistah! holy hell i was glad to have those mothers OFF.

doing anything involving a sphincter just goes better when relaxed!