
hmm. i always thought feminism was about breaking ground so women could Have All the Choices, rather than be pressured into Doing All the Things.

that is the very best reason for a DVR i have ever heard!

i've got one, too. day-to-day life with my first husband was really good, and the whole thing was ruined by the fact that he made all his big decisions completely on his own. this unilateralism on the big stuff really left me feeling like i was begging to be part of my own life - and i kept getting blindsided by

i love the swimming best, too - years of being a pool rat will do that to a person.

i find it shocking that the bus driver did not stop this, at least in the short term. she's the monitor - not the driver, so there's another clearly another adult on board who should have voiced how unacceptable this behaviour was.

precisely! and as a bonus, exposing one's own ignorance is always a great step toward greater knowledge - hooray, scientific method.

difficult as it is, i think so. human rights should always trump cultural traditions. we have no problem pushing modern attitudes toward things like slavery or child abuse, and nor should we. i'm tempted to say that we get especially shy around women's issues, but that may be because women's rights are often linked to

how fascinating! i'm a graphic designer right now and a lot of how your job seems to work is exactly how i got work in design (which is, come to think of it, also a lot of cleaning up other people's messes.) hmmmm maybe this is possible, thanks!

my kid is really into surgery (learning about it, not performing it!), so i will tell her about the drive-thru concept - she'll get a big kick out of it. get well!

hee. that is pretty lucid for just out of surgery!

ooh that's me, too. i wish i could go out and cheer myself with lipstick, but anything more than mascara (and eyebrow thingy for my albinobrows) is clown central.

my kid is now four and we CANNOT WAIT for the olympics to start. although, this is also the girl who recently squealed and clapped when i read the words "Quidditch World Cup" on the last page of HP3.

and don't government-types have an outstanding government health plan? maybe Obama should repeal THAT and see how fast Affordable Care goes through once everyone's living in the real world again...

i'm self employed, too - but i think your job is the one i've always, always wanted.

wow, i'm sorry i missed out on that one!

i hear you on the tears of stress thing! i once had someone flatly tell me that tears of anything other than sad weren't real... which nearly gave me a disagreement/tears of stress situation.

i don't know if you'll believe me, but i SWEAR this is a true story: when i was a kid, i absolutely found other people's retainers attractive and exotic.

aha! the user name... explained! (hee)

so true! in fact, i think this is one of the areas it all went horribly wrong for me as a kid - my parents were academics, so everything at home was Discuss Rationally Till Your Brains Fall Out, and i could never understand why anybody in conflict ever had to be angry/mean!

yeah, it might also be because that person is actually a bully, and just picking on someone shy/weak/homely/poor/nerdy. when i was small, i was every one of those things and it was abundantly clear that NO ONE was jealous of me.