
where hast thou beeeeeeeen i misseth thee.

i guess this means i have a mountain of work to do with my kid, who started using discourse markers as a toddler. it disturbs me that at that age she gave any fucks whatsoever about the feelings of her listeners... but sadly, i am not surprised. she tailors vocabulary, too - code switching between adults and kids,

oh man! i do know we were super-lucky. she was weirdly-motivated and we didn't even plan to have her toilet-trained so soon. i guess that's why i put mostly no stock in any particular "method" - just follow the kid and you can't go wrong.

you can actually do it part-time. kids are pretty adaptable, and once they get to the point where they're taking some ownership over it, they'll either decide they'll do it on their own full-time (toilet-trained, huzzah!) or they'll keep going at whatever schedule works for the family. we backed into ECing (i work

i don't know what other people do (because carpet cobras sound terrible!) but we only accidentally EC'd SmallBeaver - and she was in diapers the whole time as a backup.

i wish i could star this a thousand times.

oh, the 80s. so much gross food, so little time!

ha! that's funny - i was thinking that i genuinely did not know if that was Oreo, brownies or dirt! thank you!!


psst - you might be able to do both. it's tricky, and very individual, but home-learning is quicker than classroom learning and if you can cobble together a schedule, it's doable. i had no idea until we had to do it this year (necessity is the mother of invention?)

i came here to say that one's crotch would be fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. impressive... most impressive.

i'm not an engineer, either, but i had a very similar experience with Meccano! i was completely obsessed with it when i was small. it might be why problem-solving is my all-time favourite thing to do.

i love you. too exhausted to keep explaining my issues on this to people, so thank you for wrapping it up so succinctly. woo!

hee - i came here to say if it didn't come with the Weasley twins, i'm not into it.

well, that is quite a coincidence, since literally yesterday i got her going on Khan Academy, learning a little programming! problem-solving is totally her thing so i was hoping it'd be a good fit and it sounds like it might be.

we've had to switch to homeschooling, which is thankfully doable since i work from home! she's doing great. she said this to me about it a while back, "you know what i love about homeschooling? i feel really... at home. not just because i'm literally at home - but more like i'm at home... with myself." hurray!

i have a story! it's a small cautionary tale, especially related to bright girls - if you have one, you really should do the Googling thing before she hits school.

yup. my kid got all fascinated with handkerchiefs when we were reading (hurray for literature!) and demanded i find her some. so now we all have them - they are so useful!

invisible super-hero? unitard disappears when you do!