
Having read it, I think Ulysses makes you worse, actually.

I've said in the past that I find this whole debate silly because it's just people masturbating their egos over how "sophisticated" they are. These same people will say how great Tom Sawyer is (despite arguably being for young people) because it's by Twain (whom I adore, for the record.) I even had someone tell me

At that point, that's really just natural selection.


Pumpkin Pie all the way.

I straight up do not understand the upsides to remaining chaste or innocent. As far as I can tell, there's nothing in it for anyone. Anybody have any insight into this obsession they can share with me?

Al Gore lecturing on climate change science was a terrible idea. Climate-change-denying is now intractability tied to political identity. That's the most inconvenient truth I got out of this article.

True. But mis-information can happen much more quickly now.

I would just go ahead and assume these 12 girls can't read

I'll just let this Llama sum up how I feel on this subject...

The only thing that will kill us faster is this constant use of goddamned portrait mode.

You are a wonderful parent.

I am super down with this except the price. Most people only get a handful of opportunities to dress like a glitter encrusted cake topper so best not to squander this one. Besides, who doesn't love Olympic Ice Dancing and sorbet?

So, basically, it's a fancy croque madame?

my monitor is too big to carry with....

"I'm not a fighter. I'm a petit little bourgeois boy from London," he added. "I don't fight, I mimic."

Hey, at least they are aiming for her to be taken doggy-style by a KING, not by some non-royal, unemployed jackass. It is aspirational.

"She runs a bath and screams under the water, drives to the ocean and screams or just sticker her head in a sink full of water. It seems to be doing her a lot of good."