I actually grown to like the current style of the step nose and now we are given this abomination. It is like F1 is trying to see where is the limit of the fans, before they decide to show the middle finger to Bernie and Todt.
I actually grown to like the current style of the step nose and now we are given this abomination. It is like F1 is trying to see where is the limit of the fans, before they decide to show the middle finger to Bernie and Todt.
Comment and hope...
The Twingo is one of the little car I would not be caught dead in it. For me it is every thing wrong with cheap and French cars. It is pretty unreliable, the styling is love and hate(in my case hate) and the technology in it is outdated for when it was released. Yes it was cheap and has some nice ideas, but that…
You need to be followed by Jalopnik. It is kind of the pre-Kinja system with the stars, which were given for outstanding comments and contribution, but not so good working.
We still don't know the extend of Metro 2. Some people calim that a lot of it is still used today and it is one of the most closely guarded secrets in the world. I am a little bit sceptic, I think something as massive as Metro 2 is claimed to be would have been uncovered after the fall of the Socialist block.
The books are very good one of my favorite, but maybe this is because I am a sucker for post-apocalyptic things.
The Moscow Metro the only in the world that almost all of the stations can be used as bunker with self sustaining oxygen and water. It is also perfect if the Nuclear apocalypse happens, beacuse the satations can be perfectly sealed. Also a lot of the stations are very beautiful. And it is part of the some of the most…
Abysmal attendance, which led to a shitload of lost money is the reason.
Interesting and I tought everybody wanted to be BMW. Every luxury company is always building a 3 Series fighter, not an A4 fighter.
Ahhh, the time when BMW still actually cared to be a performance first brand and then luxury and not a a luxury company with performance in it, like every other luxury brand. Sheesh is there actually a true luxury carmaker anymore?! Maybe RR, every other is now sport luxurya(when actually almost nobody cares for the…
at Gwaker IT
In Austria they are starting to do a interesting thing - they regulate the speed limit according to the time of day and weather with electronic signs. It is rather cool and I hope it becomes more popular.
As of July this Year the newest stretch of Bulgaria's only fully consturcted highway has a 140km/h(87mph) limit.
I know of two here where I live and that is a poor country in Eastern Europe, where Dodge is not officially sold. So yeah we like our muscle cars with MT...
I own a 1994 one and except for the engine which is in perfect condition everything else is broken. Constant electrical gremlins, the syncros between first and second are dead, so when I do heavy acceleration in first I must go to 3rd in order to not break the whole gearbox. There are a lot of rust spots all over the…