Shady Balkan Subject, Drives an Alfa

It is a Samara, just the sedan version - 21099.

Lada 2105(Riva) or Samara. They are practically worthless, unless for scrap metal. If you steal them to rob a bank, the chances to get caught are huge, because they are slow or woll break too easily if they are not maintained rigorously. Also their handling are bad. And all thins comes from a person that likes Ladas,

Actually IOC voted recently that wrestling will be in the 2020 and 2024 Olimpics.

After playing Black Mesa two times I can say, yes it is great, but not perfect. The Black Mesa team cut parts of the game that they shouldn't have. And I am not talking about Xen, I am talking about section missing from the core game that were in the original, but was absent in the mod. I don't know the reasoning

What will you tell to an European like me, with zero interest/understanding of Nascar, in order to get me hooked up?

If I am not mistaken till the 6th generation they were the same all over the world, then Hinda went mental and they started to be better here in Europe. Still I prefer the previous genertion with the glass front and rear, because it was the last with a VTEC.

I am with you on that. I just don't think the end product can do justace to the wildly different expectations of people. And for me it comes just to gameplay elements. Some people just will bithc about no aim down sight or health regen if it goes old school, but if it goes modern it will have a huge cry how can you

Okulski why you posing with a Porsche like you have recently driven one and payed a 120 Euro fine!!!

You sir, win the internetz today!

Get out you sense speaking man! Out!

I really liked only the M5 one - Star. This is the only one I rewatch regularly. The other are good, but nothing so dramatic. I think this is because of Guy Richie. He was still badass back then. Now he is a little soft.

Horrible news, it is very sad when some idots think they are king of the road and try their cars and things end up bad. This week here in Bulgaria 4 people died after a new owner of a BMW decided that it is a good idea to see how fast his shitty four cylinder BMW will go. Near the place I live almost every night there

I'll steal a Lancia Stratos. Not the most practical thing and it would most probably be find very easy but still this is m choice.

I think that nose piercing is the last thing to be a rock star. The first involves again the given nose and some white powder, inhaled with that nose. Yeah, it is just Aspirin for the headache after a heavy night of drinking.

There is much less drame, because nowadays those hot hatches have much better suspension to get that power on the road. If you have wathced the Chris Harris review of the Clio and the ST, he said that those cars so good suspension that they don't feel as a FWD cars anymore. In the past it was not like that. I have

Those are like highways compared to what we have in Bulgaria. And actyally their important roads are all highways. I have never found a bad road from my 5 travells in there. Interestingly enoigh their city streets are much worse.

Wut a 2004 and can't play MP3?

Old BMW interiours have so badly dated I just can't make myself stand in them for prolonged time. Also this gearbox must be absolute shite. Also bad aftermarket rims, rust and overally not very good car from what I have heard from an owner of such model Euro 728i.

What's with the new Viper? After much fanfare, Chrysler are pretty quiet about the car. Is it on sale now? I am confussed, because I am in Europe and such info could be missed easily.

And 8 years later I am still totally unimpressed by the Veyron.