Shady Balkan Subject, Drives an Alfa

I still can't belive Jezza owned one and sold it so soon after getting it, I think he is not very happy now.

The TT will have a lot of work to shed the stigma of being a chick car like the MX-5. The MX-5 did it in some way(even though a lot of my car friends tihink it is still one), but I am not sure about the TT. Yeah it is a cool car, with nice engines and quattro(Haldex in first gen) and it is relatively cheap, but still

What year is this car comming out, because it is definitely not 2014. 4 speed auto, are we in the 90s, drum brakes, what?!?!? I mean I know i must be cheap, but still those things are absurd.

This is filmed im my country Bulgaria. I wanted to be an extra, but sadly my job is too serious to skip just so I can be in a movie.

What is with the BMW E90 vibe?

And now I will bitch about the PDK!

Ohohoh this is nothing new and it is even done in Europe. Eastern Europe to be more exact, totalled cars with rather big value can be rabuilt even after extensive damage to well almost everything. A serious T-bone crash. No worries, we will get new pillars, there will be a lot of cutting and welding and it will be

I see what you did here!

Most of the diesel engines in budget cars are still slow compared to the petrol counterparts. But they are even much more economical then petrol ones and diesels are still significantly more expensive then petrol. But as Europeans use theyr cars 7-8 years on avarage there is benefit if put the avarage km per year.

Yeah the rusting plastic bumpers. Nice, very nice.

It is so strange seeng such power from cars produced today. My Soviet 1.5 Lada Samara makes around ore more then those.

And if you think that is much, here in Bulgaria KFC were offering a bucket of fries. And nobody actually bought it, because KFC fries sucks and if you want your plebeian fries you go to that temple of unhealthiness McDonalds. Shit now I am hungry...

When I saw a light crash involving a small Citroen C2 that was rearended by a Porsche Panamera and the Panamera driver started screaming at the poor girl, when he was clearly at fault, I stepped as a good gentelmen to defend her agains him. The girl was scared and was almost at a point of starting to cry. The

If Lotus can improve their Q, Kimi go on pole postion and there is no problem to keep the lead in his first lap, with their tire strategy, he will be absolutely dominating. But sadly mediocre Q, lead to the need for him to do a great battle to be on the podium.

Yeah but you can get them assembled and this is with the Caterham case. At least in Europe where we are buthurt abouit almost everything that is not in some lines, I still am facinated that car like the Morgan +4 and the Arial Atom are road legal.

I am really interested how cars like the Catherham, the Morgan +4 on some other exoticas are still produced, when we have so strict regulation about pedestrian safety, overall car safety, emission and noise regulation. I am really happy that they exist and if I had the money, I would buy a Caterham to assemble myself,

RtCW MP was done, by a different company and it was wesome. And then Splash Damage created the MP masterpiece Enemy Territory.

To people saying that there is no need of MP. Do you understand that RtCW along with BF1942 mastered the class based MP? Whereas BF1942 was huge maps, 64 player, ground, air and vehicle, RtCW and Enemy Territory mastered the close quarter combat. For me, it doesn not make sense a Wolfenstein game to not have MP. Enemy

If the game don't have a great MP in the veins of RtCW and Enemy Territory, I will be not buying. Those games along with BF1942, set the standarts in team based class shooters. One with its open world mapes and the other with the close quarter battles.

How is something like that legal? How can you drive without plates on the public roads? I know things can be easily tracked if something bad happen, but If I decide to put something like that on my car and go on to rob a bank?