Shady Balkan Subject, Drives an Alfa

Totally dangerous for your life.

So what kind of insane money will be paid, if the James Bond convertible goes on the market?

Because everybody is doing it, for almost every car they produce and it is starting do be very obnoxious that every manufacturer boast about numbers that a lot of people don't care about.Also it is very hard to get a precise knowledge about what is under those numbers. Manufacturewrs don't disclose how those times

Shit, still there is place for more.

When I create my own car company for cheap sport cars(yeah a man can dream), I will go to Monaco for my test times. Before the F1 races, I will test the shit out of the cars and then boast about the results. Why, because best place/track/race evaaaar and The Ring is getting too cliche.

Where I live stopping a luxury car is when they did something really awful or the policeman want to look at a fancy car. Most of the time they just get away with a slap on the wrist, because here(Eastern Europe) cops are corrupt and scared that they anger "someone" important.

BMW 3 Series E36 and E46 mostly. Here in Eastern Europe those are the poor man's sport cars and for the corrupt police is great, because almost all of them have something wrong. Also it is the brand for all around hooligan driving so yeah. Those car just invoke your inner urge to do stupid things.

Bhahahahahah, if I lived in China and was one of the chosen ones, I would go for the Phantom no matter what, ok, except if this will lead to a death penalty). For that money I will tune the shit out of the interior, with things like gold and diamonds and whale penis leather.

Because such things don't happen here in Europe, huge props to your local enforcement, with our pussy police here in Europe I don't think we would even actively pursue him. But is it mandatory to stay inside? If I went for a walk and a cop saw me what would happen, would they arrest me, tell me to go inside? I mean,

If it was a facelifted E46 with E90 engines and I would import one to Europe! :D

No mister drunk, I am not policeman.

Now playing

When the Mercedes C63 AMG was asked for comment, it responded like that:

I still can't belive somebody wants to steal a Beetle, even in such a mint condtion?!?!? What would he do with it?!?!? The parts for such car are plenty, so I don't see it, to need to strip it for parts. Maybe because I am in Europe and they are not such an obsession as over the Atlantic from what I have seen, cars in

The car you pictured along with the Stratos are undoubtedly the most awesome cars, in my view, that came from Italy. They got all the Ferraris if I am not mistaken and most of the Lambos, but those two are just the icing on the cake in my view.

This is a car that its engines are all big V6s so it is kind of understandable. It would be pretty cool to see it with a let say 2l 4 banger and most probably sales would increase. This car is just too unoptimized for Europe. Also Lancia is pretty dead as a brand in a lot of countries.

Yep, 'Murica must bring Democracy to that savage place!

A Lada, so everybody can experience the "joy" of Socialism. We joke that Ladas are the BMWs of the Socialist block and actually compared to the other offerings it was the most "sporty" thing available. Also it can be a great machine to learn to become a DIY mechanic, because almost every month something will be

Number nine is awesome.

I am trying to persuade my father into buying a Mazda 6 and not something from a more prestigeous brand, but second hand. I really love the new Mazda 6 looks and as I am looking to buy a RX-8 this would make for a killer combination.

Ohmygod,ohmygod, ohmygod, I am in the AOTD!