Shady Balkan Subject, Drives an Alfa

I just don't get that. Even when I really like some game or it is a game that I am truly hyped, I play for like 2-3 hours, but then check the net, watch some TV, go to the shop for a snack, random Skype chat with a friend. Even some afternoon nap, I will go nuts If I must stay at home for a whole week just to play a

My shame in the eyes of the other: A lot of ppl wonder how I continue to like games that others hate or say that are mediocre. Maybe that come from my masochistic part, I don't know.

The only Transformers thing I ever liked no matter how hard I try was the Beast Wars spin-off, I tried the films, the cartoons, but I just don't get the appeal. On other hand Beast Wars is one of my favorite cartoons.

I drive a '94 Samara and yes it is a garbage, but even the most expensive parts are around 25-30$ and I learned lots of technical things from repairing the car alone with the repair manuals. Also I squeezed from that 1.5 72hp additional 35 hp, 1.6 now, with very simple 300$ engine tuning. Also I don't care if hit

Actually there are some very, very early projects if Reno get 50% from LADA(25% now) to build a very cheap performance car with the help from Nissan. But this project is not even in embryo state, it is just a good idea. An by cheap I mean something not higher than 12-15k $.

This is why I like rock/metal even though I really like the Japanese culture. Such things are just absurd. I am not advocate of drugs of alcoholism(even though I drink often), but some of the best songs from this genre come from the motives of this taboos. Even ballads can be inspired by them. Also I just can't

One of the greatest indicators for how an old car is used is the staring wheel and the the interior as a whole. Highly worn out steering wheel can only indicate for high mileage and that the car is not threated well. Also when I searched for my new car I went to the dealerships with an auto mechanic and the car was

Actually it iis kind of true. In a era in which we PC gamers don't get demos for most of the games as it was in the past, pirating the game is a way to see if we will like it or even how will it run(actualy for me with my old rig this is the case most of the time). I just can't affoard working two days to buy a single

In Eastern Europe not wearing shoes in the house is also very common and if the owner of the house didn't tell exactly that you can walk inside with shoes we take them off in the entrance hall of the apartmant/house and than we walk either with socks or slippers. I also can't imagne walking in my home with shoes it is

I live in Eastern Europe, own a 2010 Lada 4x4 as it is called now officially, because we have Chevy Niva. Things like A/C was fitted by the dealer for me and I installed electric windows myself, you can't get them directly from the manufacture. The car is slow, noisy and fuel-economy is kind of lacking and with the

LoL very strange that there are so many tanks, but on other hand except for restoration and destruction other magic is kind of useless.

Mister you speak sense on the internet, you must be banned immediately.

Yeah because Call of Duty gives you state of the art narration, really original and not linear paths and you are definetly not shooting things. Yeah tell me the last really original FPS you have played, Bioshock maybe?

The art of City 17 is by far the best in any video game, it definitely make you feel engaged in the atmosphere and I am not saying that because Antonov is a fellow-countryman and City 17 is largely inspired by my home city. :D

For me the big advantage of Impulse is that adjust the prices based of exchange rates and it is showing it in my currency and actually it is slightly cheaper for me than retail. With Steam and the absurd 1$=1Euro is making the games on release a lot expensive for me. But yeah for the deals Steam is unrivaled. And one

My most expected MMO, I was hyped for SWTOR, but my hype droped after the lackluster last BioWare games and the info it is basicly Sci-fi WoW, but The Secret World looks more and more as a proper non-WoW type of MMO.

I must congratulate this man. Maybe I must finally buy a PS3 and start playing GT5 and maybe get a chance like this man and stop my miserable attempts at satisfying my fast speed hunger with amateur races.

Jedi Knight/Dark Forces is the best Star Wars thing after the the original trillogy of films. Kyle Katarn FTW. I am pretty sad that Lucasarts gave us that Force Unleashed shit instead of new Jedi Knight. Acadamey gave us the best lightsaber experience to date. We need new Jedi Knight game, who's with me?

I hope they will let us choose new or old. But I don't like how you are forced with the frst article. I am a PC mainly gamer and don't read much of the console news. Things like this is very annoing to me. Also like said in previous comments now you can easy distingush what you want to read and what not. You see

Project Blackout?! Is it me or this is more appropriate name for a drinking game. Fuck now I must think of another name for my drinkng game.