@RabidTurtl: You mister need a medal for your stealthy aproach of this matter :D
@RabidTurtl: You mister need a medal for your stealthy aproach of this matter :D
This Asian talks about the device as it it the most mistical thing in the world. I want him as the voice of the machine :D
@immafattie: You sure you played it on the PS3?
@ShaggE: Goes 'Ding' When There's Stuff.: The amount of details put on the faces and seen with DX10 and how it change after the rubber motion is mindblowing. But yes they are rubbery.
Nein! Crysis three years after release has the best faces...
I am getting a new car. 89'Porsche 911(964) coupe, cobalt blue with 5-speed manual gearbox , 250hp. I am the happiest person in the world right now :) On the gaming front I am buying what I don't own from the Steam Christmas sale.
@amit916: Along with the maps which are just remade for the different modes there are 4 absolutely free maps - three new and Oasis from Bad Company. See Activision it is made like this not 15$ for 5 shitty maps...
@TheRealDoshu: Both will come at some point. Don't buy them now.
I as a PC gamer don't care about DA2, I will play The Witcher 2, because it is made for us PC gamers. Even the problematic first game is miles ahead in some segments then DA:O
I don't know how you can trust a manufacturer of overpriced laptops when something simple as website is Kotaku'd...
@Robotic-Richard-Simmons: What kind of a man are you for not liking onion rings :D
@MercerCh00x: This is the MP game I put most hours in. But I tried playing it some months ago. I just can't... :( There is no vanilla servers, most of the mods are utter shit. The only thing that is still great is the community. I asked some questions and I got normal answers :)
This apple make the game absolutely unplayable. This is like Tactical Nuke with 1 kill... Like having Chuck Norris in the game... We must go and protest in front of the White House... Obama and Putin must meet and discuss are they willing to reduce the nuclear weapons when this apple can bring doom to the world...
@Shippoyasha: This looks like an Alpha on a old gen game :X (
We need moar Kevin Butler and not that shit!!!
17 if they don't have The Merchant in the next RE game I will not buy the game even if it is the most awesome game ever made. The Merchant FTW.
Stephen Totilo you are a bad man. After reading all of your coverage I am just so hyped about Civ 5 and I havent played a Civ game since 3. Just I don't have enaugh time and I just stoped playing more challenging games. But now you just make want to play the new game. People like you must not exist :D
Buddy Holly and Chuck Berry I approve. It is shame that almost no one is listening to that music anymore, it is the third best period of music after Rock/Metal and Classic.
@bluebogle: There is nothing interesting, it is mainly old things.
@Gioza: actually it is easy but I am getting an 550 SSL/TLS required on the control channel error