Shady Balkan Subject, Drives an Alfa

Hey Kotaku the game will take place 400 years BEFORE not after 5.

@ColinStein: Animals - House of the Rising Sun

@somarix: Actually in the clip you can crealy see that there is kb/ms so the game is running on PC and they only play with controller which was lame.

@twinturbo2: Yeah but the background is also interesting

@deanbmmv: This is only retail friend. If we add the Steam numbers it can even be №4 or even 3.

I hope there is no Quake Live cross-platform playq because the 360 noobs will be TOTALLY PWNED by the PC users. I just can't imagine playing that on 360. That game is so fukin' fast.

For mw this is a move that Activision is making to say sometime after the release that the PC games are only pirated and to stop making ports for the platform. I just can't find another reasonable explanation.

So Halo has now own division. But at M$ don't have money for studios like:Ensemble and FASA and the sydio which made the Microsoft Flight Simulator.

So it is a news that M$ are greedy bastards. We the PC users know that from about 15 years.

I don't have big expectations, because Piranha Bytes(the developers) said that XBox 360 is the leading platform and I think we PC gamers know what that mean. For the guys that don't know what that mean- the game is dumbed down becaus of the limitations of the XBox and mainly because of the noob that use XBox 360.(I

I think that Sims 3 is not so easy. It is fukin' hard to manage 3 or 4 Sims. And Sims 3 will not let the first place dor another 1 month. Also by the end of the year EA will tell us that Sims 3 sold more then 6 million copies.

UT2004 meh that is an awesome game. But with allmost all ex-PC devs they sold their souls to the devil(read it Micro$oft with Bill Gates who made his 54 fuckim billons because of the PC). Valve, Blizz and maybe EA(because of Maxis but not only)are the only who give a fuck about the PC. And that is sad. And yeah Epic

Hope for some cross-platform gaming with you PS3 guys. The game is really fun and hope that you will enjoy it soon. And again some cross-platform play will be very good.

Crysis, different Total War games, Team Fortress 2, The Witcher EE, L4D(wow even Valve sold it's soul to the devil), Demigod, and Football Manager Live.

Romero will be proud how this zombies look.

I want fuckin Activision to win, because Tim Fuckin Shafer forget abaut the PC version of the game. The PC made him famous and now how is he now returning the favour- no PC version. So FUCK you Shafer.

This can't be anything like PGR or GRiD or even Colin 2. This is the next bullshit. I can't imagine how you thing this thing is normal. You have crash with 200 km/h and your driver say on Oh and yor vision is blured and your car don't have a scratch.

Duke "I have balls of steel" Nukem Forever is not dead. Dragon Age:Origins become PC Exclusive because is an hardcore RPG. EA rename NFS:Shift to NFS:SHIT AGAIN. Microsoft release Win 7 this year and it will ship with 10 super exclusives.(yeah right-this is science fiction, the games not the release this year)The