Buffy Summers

I see that Diane Keaton is taking the Lena Dunham approach to things.

Yeah, but this isn’t something that you can put in a five-second soundbite the way the conservatives can with their “murdering babies” rhetoric. It’s hard to get across quickly and easily the notion that these women are ending wanted pregnancies gone terribly wrong.

This. That is so sad for your grandma & that baby.

I cannot begin to imagine the suffering of your grandmother and her child. When I have read the stories of women who chose to have late term abortion they always speak about making the decision so that they would spare their child a short, pain filled life.

It’s hard to market thoughtful and nuanced.

Democrats need to be better about talking about this issue. Regardless of how I feel about bodily autonomy and the rights of the mother (and I feel incredibly strongly about both), those are losing arguments among the anti-choice masses who see this as baby murder for convenience or because women were too lazy to get

My grandma had a child with a severe disorder in the 1950s. This happened in rural Mexico. I do not think anyone in the family knows what it was that was wrong with the baby. The child had an abnormal head, cried in pain all the time and my grandma cried too for the 8 months the child was alive. I am currently

As I understand it, the woman would have to carry a living fetus to term even if there’s no chance the fetus will live beyond birth.

Whatever chucklefuck first decided that abortion is the moral equivalent of murder, and that late-term abortions are tantamount to inhumane medical treatment should have been burned at the stake.

Once she retires from competitions, they should put her on the board of USAG - there needs to be someone there to keep people accountable and actually watch out for the athletes. Not to mention, she’s shown tremendous courage and leadership both during this trial and as team captain for Team USA. She’s amazing <3

I hope Larry Nassar has great genes like our president, and could live to be 200 years old.

“I’m an adult, and I’m listening, and I’m sorry it took this long.”

I just want to thank Deadspin and Jezebel for giving this the frontline attention it needs and deserves. Other outlets are giving it so little attention relative to its importance it is very disheartening.  I listen to the radio in the morning on the way to work and you would have little idea this was happening if

This is where we are as a society. We’re so bored we’re eating laundry soap for attention.

Teah, even if Dylan is straight up lying, she’s not, how anyone could read those notes and still want to work with him is beyond me.

MSU shouldn’t be allowed to have an athletic department anymore. If you fail to maintain a safe environment for your students for more than two decades, you lose the right to participate in college sports.

I just burst into tears. WE DONT DESERVE DOGS

A good thing to see after reading/hearing all of these brave, gruesome statements:

Is anyone happy with this talentless hack?